
Negative Numbers

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Negative Numbers

Negative numbers are shown with a minus sign in front (e.g. -3). Negative numbers are less than zero while positive numbers are greater than zero.

Illustrative background for Number lineIllustrative background for Number line ?? "content

Number line

  • The number line above shows the first three negative numbers (-1, -2 and -3) and the first three positive numbers (1, 2 and 3).
  • Positive numbers are always greater than negative numbers.
  • 0 is called the origin and is not positive or negative.
Illustrative background for Adding negative numbersIllustrative background for Adding negative numbers ?? "content

Adding negative numbers

  • Adding a negative number is the same as subtracting a positive number.
    • 5 + (-3) = 5 - 3 = 2
Illustrative background for Subtracting negative numbersIllustrative background for Subtracting negative numbers ?? "content

Subtracting negative numbers

  • Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive number.
    • 5 - (-3) = 5 + 3 = 8
Illustrative background for Multiplying by negative numbersIllustrative background for Multiplying by negative numbers ?? "content

Multiplying by negative numbers

  • Positive × positive = positive
  • Negative × negative = positive
  • Positive × negative = negative
Illustrative background for Dividing by negative numbersIllustrative background for Dividing by negative numbers ?? "content

Dividing by negative numbers

  • Positive ÷ positive = positive
  • Negative ÷ negative = positive
  • Positive ÷ negative = negative

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2.2Quadratic Equations





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