
The Four Rules for Negative Numbers

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The Four Rules for Negative Numbers

You should be able to calculate: the sum, difference, product and quotient of negative numbers as well as positive numbers.

Illustrative background for Calculating the sumIllustrative background for Calculating the sum ?? "content

Calculating the sum

  • When calculating the sum of two negative numbers, you go down the number scale away from 0.
Illustrative background for Calculating the product Illustrative background for Calculating the product  ?? "content

Calculating the product

  • When you multiply two negative numbers together, the product is positive.
  • But when you multiply one negative number by one positive number the product is always negative.
Illustrative background for Calculating the quotientIllustrative background for Calculating the quotient ?? "content

Calculating the quotient

  • When both numbers in the division calculation are negative, the quotient is positive.
  • When one number in the division calculation is negative and the other is positive, the quotient is negative.
Illustrative background for Some tipsIllustrative background for Some tips ?? "content

Some tips

  • Calculating the sum and difference:
    • If the calculation's function (the + or −) is the same as the sign in front of the 2nd number in the equation, the answer will be positive.
    • If the calculation's function (the + or −) is different to the sign in front of the 2nd number in the equation, the answer will be negative.
  • Calculating the product and quotient:
    • If the numbers in the equation are either both positive or both negative, the answer will be a positive number.
    • If one number in the equation is positive and the other is negative, the answer will be a negative number.

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