
Real Numbers

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Real Numbers

Real numbers are the set of any number you can think of.

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Real numbers

  • Real numbers include:
    • Integers (whole numbers) like 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
    • Rational numbers like 12\large \frac{1}{2}, 0.75, 1.2, etc.
    • Irrational numbers like π, 3\sqrt{3}, 17\sqrt{17}, etc.
Illustrative background for What is an unreal number?Illustrative background for What is an unreal number? ?? "content

What is an unreal number?

  • Numbers that are not real numbers are called imaginary numbers.
  • Imaginary numbers are a made up idea that mathematicians use when they're doing really complex maths.
    • E.g. 1\sqrt{-1} and \Large \infty are examples of imaginary numbers.
Illustrative background for Real numbers and number linesIllustrative background for Real numbers and number lines ?? "content

Real numbers and number lines

  • All the numbers you can point to on a number line are real numbers.
  • Real numbers are used to show the value of something in the real world.

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2Algebra & Functions

2.1Powers & Roots

2.2Quadratic Equations





2.7Transformation of Graphs

2.8Partial Fractions (A2 Only)

3Coordinate Geometry

4Sequences & Series


6Exponentials & Logarithms



9Numerical Methods


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