Present Passive Voice
Present Passive Voice
Present Passive Voice
To form the present passive, use the present tense of 'être' followed by a past participle. The passive is usually only used in the 'il/elle' and the 'ils/elles' forms.

1) Present tense of 'être'
1) Present tense of 'être'
- This tense is only usually used with the il/elle/on or ils/elles form of 'être'.
- Il/elle/on est - he/she/one is
- Ils/elles sont - they are

2) Add past participle
2) Add past participle
- Le foot est joué - Football is played.
- La police est avertie - The police are warned.
- Les livres sont lus - The books are read.
- Les tartes sont faites - The tarts are made.

Examples of passive sentences
Examples of passive sentences
- Le livre est lu par de nombreuses personnes.
- The book is read by many people.
- La tarte aux pommes est mangée par moi.
- The apple pie is eaten by me.
- Les touristes sont vus comme une source d'espoir pour la population locale.
- Tourists are seen as a source of hope by the local people.
- Les pièces sont écrites par William Shakespeare.
- The plays are written by William Shakespeare.
Le Travail - Work, Poser Sa Candidature - To Apply for a Job
Le Travail - Work, Poser Sa Candidature - To Apply for a Job

Key vocab
Key vocab
- Le petit job - part-time job.
- L'emploi (m) - job.
- Le salaire - salary.
- L'employeur, l'employeuse - employer.
- Enrichissant(e) - rewarding.
- L'avocat(e) - lawyer.
- Gagner - to earn.
- Le comptable - accountant.

Key vocab
Key vocab
- Postuler - to apply.
- Un entretien - an interview.
- Faire un stage - to do work experience, internship.
- À temps plein, complet - full time.
- À temps partiel - part time.
- Au chômage - unemployed.
- Le salaire - salary.
- Les compétences - skills.
- Améliorer - to improve.

Mes parents
Mes parents
- Mon père est avocat.
- My dad is a lawyer.
- Je veux être dessinateur de mode.
- I want to be a fashion designer.
- En ce moment, j'ai envie d'avoir un emploi qui est enrichissant.
- At this moment, I want to have a job that is rewarding.

Ton métier idéal
Ton métier idéal
- Quel est ton emploi idéal?
- What is your ideal job?
- Je pense qu'être ingénieur serait mon métier idéal parce que ce serait intéressant mais aussi je rêve de gagner beaucoup d'argent, et être ingénieur me donnerait l'opportunité de faire ça.
- I think that being an engineer would be my ideal job because it would be interesting but also I dream of earning a lot of money, and being an engineer would give me the opportunity to do it.

Un emploi
Un emploi
- Je viens d'avoir un entretien pour un emploi à temps complet.
- I have just had an interview for a full time job.
- Cet été je vais faire un stage dans un cabinet d'avocats.
- This summer I am going to do work experience at a law firm.
- En ce moment je suis au chômage mais j'ai beaucoup de compétences, donc je suis sûr que je trouverai un emploi.
- Currently I am unemployed but I have a lot of skills, so I am certain that I will find a job.

Les qualités
Les qualités
- Quelles qualités faut-il pour trouver un emploi?
- What qualities do you need to find a job?
- Il faut être travailleur et très motivé. De plus il faut que tu aies des diplômes.
- It is necessary that you are hard working and very motivated. Also you must have qualifications.
1Identity & Culture
1.1Me, my family and friends
1.1.1Describing Yourself
1.1.2Physical Appearance
1.1.5Opinions on Friends
1.1.8Other Family Members
1.1.9Me, My Friends & My Family - Listening
1.1.11Style & Fashion
1.1.12Shopping for Clothes
1.1.14Exam-Style Questions - Pets
1.3Technology in Everyday Life
1.4Free-Time Activities
1.4.1In Your Free-Time
1.4.3Music - Listening
1.4.6Cinema & TV - Listening
1.4.8Eating Out
1.4.9Opinions on Food
1.4.12Other Food
1.4.15Food - Listening
1.4.17Why Do You Play Sport?
1.4.18Different Sports
1.4.19Exam-Style Questions - Sport
1.4.20Exam-Style Questions - Thierry Henry
1.5Festivals in French-Speaking Countries
2Areas of Interest
2.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region
2.2Social Issues
3Study & Employment
4Common Tenses
4.1Present Tense
4.1.1Regular ER Verbs
4.1.25 Common ER Verbs
4.1.3Regular IR Verbs
4.1.45 Common IR Verbs
4.1.5Regular RE Verbs
4.1.65 Common RE Verbs
4.1.7Reflexive Verbs
4.1.8Irregular ER Verbs - Aller
4.1.9Stem-Changing Verbs
4.1.10Irregular IR Verbs Like 'Partir'
4.1.11Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'vrir'
4.1.12Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'enir'
4.1.13Irregular IR Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.14Modal Irregular IR Verbs
4.1.15Irregular RE Verbs
4.1.16Irregular RE Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.17ER Present Participles
4.1.18IR Present Participle
4.1.19RE Present Participle
4.1.20Irregular Present Participles
4.2Perfect Tense
4.2.1Perfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.2.2Perfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.2.3Perfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.2.4Irregular Past Participles
4.2.5Irregular Past Participles 2
4.2.6Être ER Verbs
4.2.7Être IR Verbs
4.2.8Être RE Verbs
4.2.9Irregular Être - 'Venir'
4.2.10Irregular Être - 'Naître' & 'Mourir'
4.2.11Perfect Infinitive - Using Avoir
4.2.12Perfect Infinitive - Using Être
4.3Imperfect Tense
4.3.1Imperfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.3.2Imperfect Tense - 5 Common ER Verbs
4.3.3Imperfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.3.4Imperfect Tense - 5 Common IR Verbs
4.3.5Imperfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.3.6Imperfect Tense - 5 Common RE Verbs
4.3.7Imperfect Tense - Irregular ER Verbs
4.3.8Imperfect Tense - Irregular IR Verbs
4.3.9Imperfect Tense - Irregular RE Verbs
4.3.10Imperfect Tense - Être
4.4Imperfect vs Perfect
5Advanced Tenses
5.1Conditional Tense
5.2Pluperfect Tense
5.3Present Subjunctive
5.3.1Present Subjunctive - Regular ER Verbs
5.3.2Present Subjunctive - Regular IR Verbs
5.3.3Present Subjunctive - Regular RE Verbs
5.3.4Present Subjunctive - Two-Stem Irregulars
5.3.5Present Subjunctive - Complete Irregulars
5.3.6Present Subjunctive - Using the Subjunctive
5.3.7Present Subjunctive - Imperative
6Extra Grammar
6.1The Passive Voice
6.3Asking Questions
6.7Quantifiers & Intensifiers
6.8.1Adjectives Must Agree
6.8.2Irregular Agreements
6.8.3No Pattern Irregulars
6.8.4Position of Adjectives: After the Noun
6.8.5Position of Adjectives: Before the Noun
6.8.6Position of Adjectives: Changing Meanings
6.8.7Comparative Adjectives
6.8.8Superlative Adjectives
6.8.9Good, Better, Best
6.8.10Demonstrative Adjectives
6.8.11Indefinite Adjectives
Jump to other topics
1Identity & Culture
1.1Me, my family and friends
1.1.1Describing Yourself
1.1.2Physical Appearance
1.1.5Opinions on Friends
1.1.8Other Family Members
1.1.9Me, My Friends & My Family - Listening
1.1.11Style & Fashion
1.1.12Shopping for Clothes
1.1.14Exam-Style Questions - Pets
1.3Technology in Everyday Life
1.4Free-Time Activities
1.4.1In Your Free-Time
1.4.3Music - Listening
1.4.6Cinema & TV - Listening
1.4.8Eating Out
1.4.9Opinions on Food
1.4.12Other Food
1.4.15Food - Listening
1.4.17Why Do You Play Sport?
1.4.18Different Sports
1.4.19Exam-Style Questions - Sport
1.4.20Exam-Style Questions - Thierry Henry
1.5Festivals in French-Speaking Countries
2Areas of Interest
2.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region
2.2Social Issues
3Study & Employment
4Common Tenses
4.1Present Tense
4.1.1Regular ER Verbs
4.1.25 Common ER Verbs
4.1.3Regular IR Verbs
4.1.45 Common IR Verbs
4.1.5Regular RE Verbs
4.1.65 Common RE Verbs
4.1.7Reflexive Verbs
4.1.8Irregular ER Verbs - Aller
4.1.9Stem-Changing Verbs
4.1.10Irregular IR Verbs Like 'Partir'
4.1.11Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'vrir'
4.1.12Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'enir'
4.1.13Irregular IR Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.14Modal Irregular IR Verbs
4.1.15Irregular RE Verbs
4.1.16Irregular RE Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.17ER Present Participles
4.1.18IR Present Participle
4.1.19RE Present Participle
4.1.20Irregular Present Participles
4.2Perfect Tense
4.2.1Perfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.2.2Perfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.2.3Perfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.2.4Irregular Past Participles
4.2.5Irregular Past Participles 2
4.2.6Être ER Verbs
4.2.7Être IR Verbs
4.2.8Être RE Verbs
4.2.9Irregular Être - 'Venir'
4.2.10Irregular Être - 'Naître' & 'Mourir'
4.2.11Perfect Infinitive - Using Avoir
4.2.12Perfect Infinitive - Using Être
4.3Imperfect Tense
4.3.1Imperfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.3.2Imperfect Tense - 5 Common ER Verbs
4.3.3Imperfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.3.4Imperfect Tense - 5 Common IR Verbs
4.3.5Imperfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.3.6Imperfect Tense - 5 Common RE Verbs
4.3.7Imperfect Tense - Irregular ER Verbs
4.3.8Imperfect Tense - Irregular IR Verbs
4.3.9Imperfect Tense - Irregular RE Verbs
4.3.10Imperfect Tense - Être
4.4Imperfect vs Perfect
5Advanced Tenses
5.1Conditional Tense
5.2Pluperfect Tense
5.3Present Subjunctive
5.3.1Present Subjunctive - Regular ER Verbs
5.3.2Present Subjunctive - Regular IR Verbs
5.3.3Present Subjunctive - Regular RE Verbs
5.3.4Present Subjunctive - Two-Stem Irregulars
5.3.5Present Subjunctive - Complete Irregulars
5.3.6Present Subjunctive - Using the Subjunctive
5.3.7Present Subjunctive - Imperative
6Extra Grammar
6.1The Passive Voice
6.3Asking Questions
6.7Quantifiers & Intensifiers
6.8.1Adjectives Must Agree
6.8.2Irregular Agreements
6.8.3No Pattern Irregulars
6.8.4Position of Adjectives: After the Noun
6.8.5Position of Adjectives: Before the Noun
6.8.6Position of Adjectives: Changing Meanings
6.8.7Comparative Adjectives
6.8.8Superlative Adjectives
6.8.9Good, Better, Best
6.8.10Demonstrative Adjectives
6.8.11Indefinite Adjectives

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