Conditional Tense - Irregulars
Irregular Conditional Stem
Irregular Conditional Stem
In the conditional tense, the irregular stems are the same as in the future tense. But you add the conditional endings.

Être - ser
Être - ser
- Je serais - I would be.
- Tu serais - you (singular) would be.
- Il/elle/on serait - he/she/one would be.
- Nous serions - we would be.
- Vous seriez - you (plural/formal) would be.
- Ils/elles seraient - they would be.

Avoir - aur
Avoir - aur
- J'aurais - I would have.
- Tu aurais - you (singular) would have.
- Il/elle/on aurait - he/she/one would have.
- Nous aurions - we would have.
- Vous auriez - you (plural/formal) would have.
- Ils/elles auraient - they would have.

Aller - ir
Aller - ir
- J'irais - I would go.
- Tu irais - you (singular) would go.
- Il/elle/on irait - he/she/one would go.
- Nous irions - we would go.
- Vous iriez - you (plural/formal) would go.
- Ils/elles iraient - they would go.

Faire - fer
Faire - fer
- Je ferais - I would do.
- Tu ferais - you (singular) would do.
- Il/elle/on ferait - he/she/one would do.
- Nous ferions - we would do.
- Vous feriez - you (plural/formal) would do.
- Ils/elles feraient - they would do.
More Irregular Conditional Stems
More Irregular Conditional Stems
In the conditional tense, the irregular stems are the same as in the future tense. But you add the conditional endings.

Voir - verr
Voir - verr
- Je verrais - I would see.
- Tu verrais - you (singular) would see.
- Il/elle/on verrait - he/she/one would see.
- Nous verrions - we would see.
- Vous verriez - you (plural/forma) would see.
- Ils/elles verraient - they would see.

Devoir - devr
Devoir - devr
- Je devrais - I would have to.
- Tu devrais - you (singular) would have to.
- Il/elle/on devrait - he/she/one would have to.
- Nous devrions - we would have to.
- Vous devriez - you (plural/formal) would have to.
- Ils/elles devraient - they would have to.

Pouvoir - pourr
Pouvoir - pourr
- Je pourrais - I would be able to.
- Tu pourrais - you (singular) would be able to.
- Il/elle/on pourrait - he/she/one would be able to.
- Nous pourrions - we would be able to.
- Vous pourriez - you (plural/formal) would be able to.
- Ils/elles pourraient - they would be able to.

Savoir - saur
Savoir - saur
- Je saurais - I would know.
- Tu saurais - you (singular) would know.
- Il/elle/on saurait - he/she/one would know.
- Nous saurions - we would know.
- Vous sauriez - you (plural/formal) would know.
- Ils/elles sauraient - they would know.

Vouloir - voudr
Vouloir - voudr
- Je voudrais - I would want.
- Tu voudrais - you (singular) would want.
- Il/elle/on voudrait - he/she/one would want.
- Nous voudrions - we would want.
- Vous voudriez - you (plural/formal) would want.
- Ils/elles voudraient - they would want.
Even More Irregular Conditional Stems
Even More Irregular Conditional Stems
In the conditional tense, the irregular stems are the same as in the future tense. But you add the conditional endings.

Venir - viendr
Venir - viendr
- Je viendrais - I would come.
- Tu viendrais - you (singular) would come.
- Il/elle/on viendrait - he/she/one would come.
- Nous viendrions - we would come.
- Vous viendriez - you (plural/formal) would come.
- Ils/elles viendraient - they would come.

Tenir - tiendr
Tenir - tiendr
- Je tiendrais - I would hold.
- Tu tiendrais - you (singular) would hold.
- Il/elle/on tiendrait - he/she/one would hold.
- Nous tiendrions - we would hold.
- Vous tiendriez - you (plural/formal) would hold.
- Ils/elles tiendraient - they would hold.

Mourir - mourr
Mourir - mourr
- Je mourrais - I would die.
- Tu mourrais - you (singular) would die.
- Il/elle/on mourrait - he/she/one would die.
- Nous mourrions - we would die.
- Vous mourriez - you (plural/formal) would die.
- Ils/elles mourraient - they would die.

Falloir - faudr
Falloir - faudr
- This is only used in the 'il' form, to say it is necessary.
- Il faudrait - it would be necessary.

Pleuvoir - pleuvr
Pleuvoir - pleuvr
- This is only used in the 'il' form, to say it is raining.
- Il pleuvrait - it would rain.
1Identity & Culture
1.1Me, my family and friends
1.1.1Describing Yourself
1.1.2Physical Appearance
1.1.5Opinions on Friends
1.1.8Other Family Members
1.1.9Me, My Friends & My Family - Listening
1.1.11Style & Fashion
1.1.12Shopping for Clothes
1.1.14Exam-Style Questions - Pets
1.3Technology in Everyday Life
1.4Free-Time Activities
1.4.1In Your Free-Time
1.4.3Music - Listening
1.4.6Cinema & TV - Listening
1.4.8Eating Out
1.4.9Opinions on Food
1.4.12Other Food
1.4.15Food - Listening
1.4.17Why Do You Play Sport?
1.4.18Different Sports
1.4.19Exam-Style Questions - Sport
1.4.20Exam-Style Questions - Thierry Henry
1.5Festivals in French-Speaking Countries
2Areas of Interest
2.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region
2.2Social Issues
3Study & Employment
4Common Tenses
4.1Present Tense
4.1.1Regular ER Verbs
4.1.25 Common ER Verbs
4.1.3Regular IR Verbs
4.1.45 Common IR Verbs
4.1.5Regular RE Verbs
4.1.65 Common RE Verbs
4.1.7Reflexive Verbs
4.1.8Irregular ER Verbs - Aller
4.1.9Stem-Changing Verbs
4.1.10Irregular IR Verbs Like 'Partir'
4.1.11Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'vrir'
4.1.12Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'enir'
4.1.13Irregular IR Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.14Modal Irregular IR Verbs
4.1.15Irregular RE Verbs
4.1.16Irregular RE Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.17ER Present Participles
4.1.18IR Present Participle
4.1.19RE Present Participle
4.1.20Irregular Present Participles
4.2Perfect Tense
4.2.1Perfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.2.2Perfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.2.3Perfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.2.4Irregular Past Participles
4.2.5Irregular Past Participles 2
4.2.6Être ER Verbs
4.2.7Être IR Verbs
4.2.8Être RE Verbs
4.2.9Irregular Être - 'Venir'
4.2.10Irregular Être - 'Naître' & 'Mourir'
4.2.11Perfect Infinitive - Using Avoir
4.2.12Perfect Infinitive - Using Être
4.3Imperfect Tense
4.3.1Imperfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.3.2Imperfect Tense - 5 Common ER Verbs
4.3.3Imperfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.3.4Imperfect Tense - 5 Common IR Verbs
4.3.5Imperfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.3.6Imperfect Tense - 5 Common RE Verbs
4.3.7Imperfect Tense - Irregular ER Verbs
4.3.8Imperfect Tense - Irregular IR Verbs
4.3.9Imperfect Tense - Irregular RE Verbs
4.3.10Imperfect Tense - Être
4.4Imperfect vs Perfect
5Advanced Tenses
5.1Conditional Tense
5.2Pluperfect Tense
5.3Present Subjunctive
5.3.1Present Subjunctive - Regular ER Verbs
5.3.2Present Subjunctive - Regular IR Verbs
5.3.3Present Subjunctive - Regular RE Verbs
5.3.4Present Subjunctive - Two-Stem Irregulars
5.3.5Present Subjunctive - Complete Irregulars
5.3.6Present Subjunctive - Using the Subjunctive
5.3.7Present Subjunctive - Imperative
6Extra Grammar
6.1The Passive Voice
6.3Asking Questions
6.7Quantifiers & Intensifiers
6.8.1Adjectives Must Agree
6.8.2Irregular Agreements
6.8.3No Pattern Irregulars
6.8.4Position of Adjectives: After the Noun
6.8.5Position of Adjectives: Before the Noun
6.8.6Position of Adjectives: Changing Meanings
6.8.7Comparative Adjectives
6.8.8Superlative Adjectives
6.8.9Good, Better, Best
6.8.10Demonstrative Adjectives
6.8.11Indefinite Adjectives
Jump to other topics
1Identity & Culture
1.1Me, my family and friends
1.1.1Describing Yourself
1.1.2Physical Appearance
1.1.5Opinions on Friends
1.1.8Other Family Members
1.1.9Me, My Friends & My Family - Listening
1.1.11Style & Fashion
1.1.12Shopping for Clothes
1.1.14Exam-Style Questions - Pets
1.3Technology in Everyday Life
1.4Free-Time Activities
1.4.1In Your Free-Time
1.4.3Music - Listening
1.4.6Cinema & TV - Listening
1.4.8Eating Out
1.4.9Opinions on Food
1.4.12Other Food
1.4.15Food - Listening
1.4.17Why Do You Play Sport?
1.4.18Different Sports
1.4.19Exam-Style Questions - Sport
1.4.20Exam-Style Questions - Thierry Henry
1.5Festivals in French-Speaking Countries
2Areas of Interest
2.1Home, Town, Neighbourhood & Region
2.2Social Issues
3Study & Employment
4Common Tenses
4.1Present Tense
4.1.1Regular ER Verbs
4.1.25 Common ER Verbs
4.1.3Regular IR Verbs
4.1.45 Common IR Verbs
4.1.5Regular RE Verbs
4.1.65 Common RE Verbs
4.1.7Reflexive Verbs
4.1.8Irregular ER Verbs - Aller
4.1.9Stem-Changing Verbs
4.1.10Irregular IR Verbs Like 'Partir'
4.1.11Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'vrir'
4.1.12Irregular IR Verbs That End in 'enir'
4.1.13Irregular IR Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.14Modal Irregular IR Verbs
4.1.15Irregular RE Verbs
4.1.16Irregular RE Verbs With No Pattern
4.1.17ER Present Participles
4.1.18IR Present Participle
4.1.19RE Present Participle
4.1.20Irregular Present Participles
4.2Perfect Tense
4.2.1Perfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.2.2Perfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.2.3Perfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.2.4Irregular Past Participles
4.2.5Irregular Past Participles 2
4.2.6Être ER Verbs
4.2.7Être IR Verbs
4.2.8Être RE Verbs
4.2.9Irregular Être - 'Venir'
4.2.10Irregular Être - 'Naître' & 'Mourir'
4.2.11Perfect Infinitive - Using Avoir
4.2.12Perfect Infinitive - Using Être
4.3Imperfect Tense
4.3.1Imperfect Tense - Regular ER Verbs
4.3.2Imperfect Tense - 5 Common ER Verbs
4.3.3Imperfect Tense - Regular IR Verbs
4.3.4Imperfect Tense - 5 Common IR Verbs
4.3.5Imperfect Tense - Regular RE Verbs
4.3.6Imperfect Tense - 5 Common RE Verbs
4.3.7Imperfect Tense - Irregular ER Verbs
4.3.8Imperfect Tense - Irregular IR Verbs
4.3.9Imperfect Tense - Irregular RE Verbs
4.3.10Imperfect Tense - Être
4.4Imperfect vs Perfect
5Advanced Tenses
5.1Conditional Tense
5.2Pluperfect Tense
5.3Present Subjunctive
5.3.1Present Subjunctive - Regular ER Verbs
5.3.2Present Subjunctive - Regular IR Verbs
5.3.3Present Subjunctive - Regular RE Verbs
5.3.4Present Subjunctive - Two-Stem Irregulars
5.3.5Present Subjunctive - Complete Irregulars
5.3.6Present Subjunctive - Using the Subjunctive
5.3.7Present Subjunctive - Imperative
6Extra Grammar
6.1The Passive Voice
6.3Asking Questions
6.7Quantifiers & Intensifiers
6.8.1Adjectives Must Agree
6.8.2Irregular Agreements
6.8.3No Pattern Irregulars
6.8.4Position of Adjectives: After the Noun
6.8.5Position of Adjectives: Before the Noun
6.8.6Position of Adjectives: Changing Meanings
6.8.7Comparative Adjectives
6.8.8Superlative Adjectives
6.8.9Good, Better, Best
6.8.10Demonstrative Adjectives
6.8.11Indefinite Adjectives

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