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Le Temps - Weather

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Key vocab

  • Il fait froid - it is cold.
  • La pluie, pleuvoir (☔) - the rain, to rain.
  • La neige, neiger (❄️) - the snow, to snow.
  • l'orage, une tempête - a storm.
  • Faire mauvais temps - for there to be bad weather.
  • L'averse (f) - shower.
  • Le brouillard (🌁) - fog.
  • La brume - mist.
  • L'éclair (m) (⚡) - lightning.
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Key vocab

  • Geler - to freeze.
  • La glace - ice.
  • Le nuage - cloud.
  • Nuageux - cloudy.
  • Le tonnerre - thunder.
  • Tremper - to soak.
  • Le vent - wind.
  • Mouillé - wet.
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La météo

  • Selon la météo, il y aura du brouillard demain (🌁).
    • According to the forecast, it will be foggy tomorrow.
  • Il faisait froid hier.
    • It was cold yesterday.
  • Il pleuvra (☔) ce soir.
    • It will rain this evening.
Illustrative background for Le tempsIllustrative background for Le temps ?? "content

Le temps

  • Quel temps fera-t-il ce week-end ?
    • What will the weather be like this weekend?
  • Il fera beau dimanche, mais il y aura un orage samedi.
    • It will be nice on Sunday, but there will be a storm on Saturday.

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1Identity & Culture

2Areas of Interest

3Study & Employment

4Common Tenses

4.1Present Tense

4.2Perfect Tense

4.3Imperfect Tense

4.4Imperfect vs Perfect

4.5Future Tense

5Advanced Tenses

6Extra Grammar

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