Key Lines
Shakespeare again makes a reference to appearances.

Key line
Key line
- CLAUDIO: She’s but the sign and semblance of her honour.

- To illustrate the poisonous hold Don John’s trick has on Claudio, Shakespeare again makes a reference to appearances.
- Hero merely seems to be virginal and pure on the outside (“semblance”).
- In Claudio’s mind, Hero is tainted and impure - hence the derogatory “rotten orange” metaphor.

- Through the use of sibilance (repeated ‘s’ sounds), Shakespeare conveys an angry tone in Claudio’s words.
- It is almost as if the words are spat out, reflecting the disgust and hatred Claudio feels at this point in the play.
Claudio compares Hero to two Roman Goddesses: Diana and Venus.

Key line
Key line
- CLAUDIO: You seem to me as Dian in her orb,
As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown
But you are more intemperate in your blood than Venus

- Claudio’s conflicted feelings towards Hero are reflected in the contrasting references to:
- Diana: Roman Goddess of Chastity (Purity).
- Venus: Roman Goddess of Love and the equivalent to Aphrodite, famous for having many lovers amongst the Gods.

Roman Goddesses
Roman Goddesses
- Furthermore, the reference to these two Roman Goddesses may reflect the unrealistic feelings Claudio always has towards Hero.
- In his mind, she must always be comparable to a deity or even something supernatural (“Beauty is a witch”).
- He is unable to view her simply as she is and must always make a comparison to express his feelings towards her.
1Key Terminology
1.1Key Terminology
2Structure & Form
3Act 1: Plot Summary
3.2Act 1, Scene 2
3.3Act 1, Scene 3
4Act 2: Plot Summary
4.1Act 2, Scene 1
4.2Act 2, Scene 2
5Act 3: Plot Summary
5.1Act 3, Scene 1
5.2Act 3, Scene 2
5.3Act 3, Scene 3
5.4Act 3, Scene 4
5.5Act 3, Scene 5
6Act 4: Plot Summary
6.1Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 1)
6.2Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 2)
6.3Act 4, Scene 2
7Act 5: Plot Summary
7.1Act 5, Scene 1
7.2Act 5, Scene 2
7.3Act 5, Scene 3
7.4Act 5, Scene 4
Jump to other topics
1Key Terminology
1.1Key Terminology
2Structure & Form
3Act 1: Plot Summary
3.2Act 1, Scene 2
3.3Act 1, Scene 3
4Act 2: Plot Summary
4.1Act 2, Scene 1
4.2Act 2, Scene 2
5Act 3: Plot Summary
5.1Act 3, Scene 1
5.2Act 3, Scene 2
5.3Act 3, Scene 3
5.4Act 3, Scene 4
5.5Act 3, Scene 5
6Act 4: Plot Summary
6.1Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 1)
6.2Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 2)
6.3Act 4, Scene 2
7Act 5: Plot Summary
7.1Act 5, Scene 1
7.2Act 5, Scene 2
7.3Act 5, Scene 3
7.4Act 5, Scene 4

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