Key Lines
LEONATO: Hath the fellow any wit that told you this?

Key line
Key line
- LEONATO: Hath the fellow any wit that told you this?

Dramatic function
Dramatic function
- Conversations between Antonio and Leonato (likely the eldest characters in the play) often revolve around status and reputation.
- In this way, the dramatic function of these two characters is to reflect the traditional views held by men in society at the time the play was both set and written.

- The concept of “wit” or intelligence being important is established here and creates irony for later in the play when Dogberry (fulfilling the role of a Shakespearean fool) and the Watch uncover the truth of Don John and Borachio’s villainy.

Act 5, Scene 1
Act 5, Scene 1
- As Borachio informs Don Pedro in Act 5, Scene 1:
- “What your wisdoms could not discover,
these shallow fools have brought to light,”
1Key Terminology
1.1Key Terminology
2Structure & Form
3Act 1: Plot Summary
3.2Act 1, Scene 2
3.3Act 1, Scene 3
4Act 2: Plot Summary
4.1Act 2, Scene 1
4.2Act 2, Scene 2
5Act 3: Plot Summary
5.1Act 3, Scene 1
5.2Act 3, Scene 2
5.3Act 3, Scene 3
5.4Act 3, Scene 4
5.5Act 3, Scene 5
6Act 4: Plot Summary
6.1Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 1)
6.2Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 2)
6.3Act 4, Scene 2
7Act 5: Plot Summary
7.1Act 5, Scene 1
7.2Act 5, Scene 2
7.3Act 5, Scene 3
7.4Act 5, Scene 4
Jump to other topics
1Key Terminology
1.1Key Terminology
2Structure & Form
3Act 1: Plot Summary
3.2Act 1, Scene 2
3.3Act 1, Scene 3
4Act 2: Plot Summary
4.1Act 2, Scene 1
4.2Act 2, Scene 2
5Act 3: Plot Summary
5.1Act 3, Scene 1
5.2Act 3, Scene 2
5.3Act 3, Scene 3
5.4Act 3, Scene 4
5.5Act 3, Scene 5
6Act 4: Plot Summary
6.1Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 1)
6.2Act 4, Scene 1 (Part 2)
6.3Act 4, Scene 2
7Act 5: Plot Summary
7.1Act 5, Scene 1
7.2Act 5, Scene 2
7.3Act 5, Scene 3
7.4Act 5, Scene 4

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