
Global Warming

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Global Warming

The consequences of global warming include:

Illustrative background for IceIllustrative background for Ice ?? "content


  • Melting ice causes sea levels to rise, which could flood coastal habitats forever, losing the land and associated biodiversity.
  • Changes to the way sea ice changes through the year is affecting the survival of animals at both poles.
Illustrative background for Extreme meteorological eventsIllustrative background for Extreme meteorological events ?? "content

Extreme meteorological events

  • Extreme meteorological events, such as floods, droughts, severe storms and wildfires are happening more often.
Illustrative background for Sea surface temperaturesIllustrative background for Sea surface temperatures ?? "content

Sea surface temperatures

  • Rising sea surface temperatures are causing bleaching of sensitive corals.
Illustrative background for Ocean acidificationIllustrative background for Ocean acidification ?? "content

Ocean acidification

  • Increased acidification (becoming more acidic) of the oceans is making it harder for corals to build their skeletons.
Illustrative background for Migration patternsIllustrative background for Migration patterns ?? "content

Migration patterns

  • Many migration patterns are likely to be altered by global warming.
Illustrative background for Distribution of speciesIllustrative background for Distribution of species ?? "content

Distribution of species

  • Malaria-carrying mosquitoes have already spread to several European countries.
  • It is possible that malaria and similar exotic diseases will become an established part of life as far North as the UK in the near future.
Illustrative background for Reduction of biodiversityIllustrative background for Reduction of biodiversity ?? "content

Reduction of biodiversity

  • The rate at which the climate is changing makes rapid adaptation key to avoiding extinction.
  • This is particularly challenging for large-bodied animals that typically have longer generation times.

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1Cell Biology

1.1What's in Cells?

1.2Cell Division

1.3Transport in Cells


2.1Principles of Organisation


2.3Circulatory System

2.4Non-Communicable Diseases

2.5Plant Tissues, Organs & Systems

3Infection & Response


5Homeostasis & Response


5.2The Human Nervous System

5.3Hormonal Coordination in Humans

5.4Plant Hormones

6Inheritance, Variation & Evolution


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