
Attitudes in Society

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Attitudes in Society

Attitudes to different aspects of medicine and public health changed over the period.

Illustrative background for Supernatural beliefsIllustrative background for Supernatural beliefs ?? "content

Supernatural beliefs

  • In medieval times, beliefs that illnesses could have supernatural causes stemmed from Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian ideas.
  • Astrology, witches and God were all supposed supernatural causes of illness. This was common during the Black Death (1348).
  • Supernatural beliefs were common until humanist thinkers such as Erasmus started to argue against them.
  • Consequences: As late as the 1800s, supernatural beliefs can be blamed for slowing progress within medicine.
Illustrative background for Medical treatmentIllustrative background for Medical treatment ?? "content

Medical treatment

  • Galen's theory of opposites shaped society's attitude to medical treatment right into the 1800s.
  • This was an example of it taking a long time for attitudes to change.
  • Conclusion: Outdated medical theories could take hundreds of years to be corrected in society.
Illustrative background for Social reformersIllustrative background for Social reformers ?? "content

Social reformers

  • Seebohm Rowntree was a factory owner in York. He investigated the living conditions in York in 1901.
  • Rowntree invented the term ‘poverty line’. This meant the minimum amount of money a person needed to earn to stay out of poverty.
  • Conclusion: As a factory owner (not a member of the government) Rowntree was able to influence medicine from outside the profession.
Illustrative background for The NHSIllustrative background for The NHS ?? "content


  • The National Health Service (NHS) was set up by Aneurin Bevan in 1948. People wanted their free health care from the war to continue.
  • Not everyone in society supported the NHS. Lots of Conservatives and doctors disliked the NHS, but it was too popular to abolish (get rid of).
  • Conclusion: Although the NHS is very popular today, it faced significant opposition when it was founded.

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1Medicine in Medieval England

2The Medical Renaissance in England

3Medicine in 18th & 19th Century Britain

4Medicine in Modern Britain

5Treatment in WW1

6Themes in Medicine

7Some Extra Context (Not Compulsory for Exam)

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