
Dissection & Vesalius

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The Work of Vesalius

Andreas Vesalius was a physician who studied in Paris and Louvain. He then became a professor of surgery at the University of Padua.

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  • Vesalius thought that surgery would only get better if people understood the body and the anatomy better.
    • He used dissections (of executed criminals) to show that Galen’s understanding of the human body was wrong.
  • He faced opposition for criticising Galen and had to leave his job at the university.
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Vesalius’ writings

  • Vesalius published his Six Anatomical Pictures in 1538 and then published On The Fabric of the Human Body in 1543.
    • On The Fabric of the Human Body had illustrations based on Vesalius’ dissections.
  • Copies of Vesalius’ work reached physicians in Britain.
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Inspiring anatomists

  • Doctors were encouraged to do dissections themselves after Vesalius’ work.
    • Vesalius is credited with inspiring other anatomists, such as Fabricius and Fallopius.

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