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The Work of Paul Ehrlich – Magic Bullets

In the 1890s, a German doctor called Paul Ehrlich built upon Koch’s work. This is an example which shows how scientists build upon each other’s work. Discoveries could only be made because of what others have done before. Ehrlich won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1908.

Illustrative background for Magic bulletsIllustrative background for Magic bullets ?? "content

Magic bullets

  • People knew that antibodies (found in the body) attacked different types of microbes.
    • Because of this, they were called magic bullets.
  • Paul Ehrlich decided to create magic bullets that behaved like antibodies using chemicals.
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  • Ehrlich argued that if certain dyes could stain bacteria, certain chemicals could also kill bacteria.
    • This was the foundation of the idea of ‘chemotherapy’.
  • Ehrlich found a dye (methylene blue) that killed malaria germs and he tried hundreds of compounds to kill the bacteria behind syphilis.
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Salvarsan 606

  • He thought he had failed to find a dye to kill syphilis bacteria, but the 606th compound tried – Salvarsan 606 – worked.
    • It was used on humans in 1911.
  • This was the start of the modern pharmaceutical industry.
Illustrative background for Second magic bullet - ProntosilIllustrative background for Second magic bullet - Prontosil ?? "content

Second magic bullet - Prontosil

  • The second magic bullet (prontosil) was found by Gerhard Domagk (worked for Bayer) in 1932.
  • Prontosil is a red dye that contained sulphonamide. This killed the streptococcus microbe, but it also had bad side-effects and could damage the kidneys and liver.

Antibiotic Resistance

Despite these developments in antibiotics, scientists learned that they could be overused.

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Antibiotic resistance

  • If antibiotics were used too much and not all bacteria dies when antibiotics are taken, then bacteria can evolve and become resistant.
  • If antibiotics stop killing bacteria then surgery and infections would be more similar to the Middle Ages.
    • If the bacteria can’t be killed this would make surgery less common because more people would die from infections.
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  • The first resistant bacteria called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), appeared in 1961.
  • MRSA infections have been reduced after the NHS encouraged medical staff to wash their hands continuously throughout the day.
    • This is consistent with Pasteur’s Germ Theory and Aseptic surgical methods. Things like disposable surgical gloves are useful for this.

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2The Medical Renaissance in England

3Medicine in 18th & 19th Century Britain

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6Themes in Medicine

7Some Extra Context (Not Compulsory for Exam)

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