
Industrialised University Cities

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Industrialised University Cities

Shelley uses many locations across the globe within her novel. There are symbolic reasons why Shelley chose these settings and they reflect many different things about the characters.

Illustrative background for Industrialised university citiesIllustrative background for Industrialised university cities ?? "content

Industrialised university cities

  • Oxford.
  • London.
  • Ingolstadt.
  • Edinburgh.
Illustrative background for ContrastIllustrative background for Contrast ?? "content


  • These settings contrast with the natural settings.
  • They reflect the focus upon the acquisition of knowledge and juxtapose the natural settings.
  • This furthers the antithesis of rationalism versus Romanticism within the novel.

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1Narrative Structure

2Character Summaries

3Intertextuality & Allusions

4Biographic Context

5Chapter Summaries

6Key Themes

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