
Letters 1 & 2

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Letter 1

Captain Robert Walton writes to his sister, Margaret Saville in England, from St. Petersburg, detailing his feelings about his upcoming expedition to the North Pole and his confidence in its success.

Illustrative background for AmbitionIllustrative background for Ambition ?? "content


  • Walton is highly ambitious.
    • He desires to discover previously untapped regions and passages, or the "secret of the magnet".
    • He believes his endeavours will help "all mankind".
  • Walton describes the hardships of his preparation and sees this as proof that he deserves to succeed.
Illustrative background for Quotation - Walton's confidenceIllustrative background for Quotation - Walton's confidence ?? "content

Quotation - Walton's confidence

  • "You cannot contest the inestimable benefit which I shall confer on all mankind to the last generation by discovering a passage near the pole."
Illustrative background for Parallels with VictorIllustrative background for Parallels with Victor ?? "content

Parallels with Victor

  • Shelley uses Walton's ambition and desire to be a pioneer to introduce the debate about the healthiness of human desire to cross boundaries.
    • Shelley draws a parallel between Walton and Victor Frankenstein's ambition, even before Victor is introduced into the narrative.

Letter 2

This letter is written from Archangel in Russia, displaying the continuation of Walton’s journey.

Illustrative background for Walton's achievementsIllustrative background for Walton's achievements ?? "content

Walton's achievements

  • He has just managed to hire a crew and find a ship for his arduous journey.
Illustrative background for LonelinessIllustrative background for Loneliness ?? "content


  • Walton thinks he has hired fine men but feels a real sense of loneliness.
  • He admits he is "self-educated" (like Mary Shelley) and wants a companion with whom he can share stories, victories and communicate his worries.
  • "I am too ardent in execution and too impatient in difficulties."
  • This shows how short-sighted he is in terms of his search for knowledge.

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1Narrative Structure

2Character Summaries

3Intertextuality & Allusions

4Biographic Context

5Chapter Summaries

6Key Themes

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