
Curiosity & Knowledge

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Curiosity and Knowledge

The novel questions whether too much knowledge is dangerous for humans, and the alternative title The Modern Prometheus furthers this idea, foreshadowing the tragic consequences of such hubris.

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Self education

  • All three narrators are self-educated and have a thirst for knowledge; whether it is being the first man to find a passage to the North pole, the first man to create ‘life’ or gaining the ability to talk, read and write.
  • Mary Shelley was also self-educated.
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  • Victor ignores all warnings about the dangers of curiosity from his father, teachers and even nature, and allows his hubris to become his hamartia.
  • Walton’s curiosity echoes Victor’s. But because of nature, he is thwarted and most possibly saved along with his crew.
  • The Monster’s acquisition of knowledge causes internal questioning, moving him from a state of innocence to one of knowledge but internal conflict.
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Too much knowledge

  • The novel questions whether too much knowledge is dangerous for humans, and the alternative title The Modern Prometheus furthers this idea, foreshadowing the tragic consequences of such hubris.

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1Narrative Structure

2Character Summaries

3Intertextuality & Allusions

4Biographic Context

5Chapter Summaries

6Key Themes

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