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Walton is an extra-diegetic/framing narrator within the novel. As our first narrator, he prepares the reader for the character of Frankenstein.

Illustrative background for The pursuit of knowledgeIllustrative background for The pursuit of knowledge ?? "content

The pursuit of knowledge

  • Walton, as our first narrator, prepares the reader for the character of Frankenstein.
  • Walton, like Victor, is singularly obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge.
Illustrative background for Letter IIIllustrative background for Letter II ?? "content

Letter II

  • "I am practically industrious-painstaking-a workman to execute with perseverance and labour… A belief in the marvellous, intertwined in all my projects, which hurries me out of the common pathways of man even to the wild sea and on visited regions I’m about to explore."
Illustrative background for Narcissism Illustrative background for Narcissism  ?? "content


  • Walton, like Victor, has a narcissistic personality. He focuses purely on his own achievements and needs.
  • When he meets Victor, he finds a kindred spirit who believes that nature is there to be exposed and conquered by man.
Illustrative background for Letter IIIIllustrative background for Letter III ?? "content

Letter III

  • "The very stars themselves being witnesses and testimonies of my triumph. Why not still proceed over the untamed yet obedient element? What can stop the determined heart and resolve the will of man?"
Illustrative background for ControlIllustrative background for Control ?? "content


  • Both appear to display a masculine desire to conquer, explore and control, not only for humanity to stake claim over nature but for them both to achieve a sense of fame and acclaim.
Illustrative background for Letter III/ Chapter 4 Illustrative background for Letter III/ Chapter 4  ?? "content

Letter III/ Chapter 4

  • Walton: "But success shall crown mine endeavours. Wherefore not?" (Letter III)
  • Victor: "A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me." (Chapter 4)

What do we Know About Walton?

Walton has a number of characteristics in common with Frankenstein:

Illustrative background for Similarities with FrankensteinIllustrative background for Similarities with Frankenstein ?? "content

Similarities with Frankenstein

  • Walton has a number of characteristics in common with Frankenstein:
    • He exhibits a masculine desire to explore, discover, conquer and control which means that he distances himself from his family.
Illustrative background for Voyage to the North PoleIllustrative background for Voyage to the North Pole ?? "content

Voyage to the North Pole

  • He pitches himself against nature in his search for a new passage to the North Pole.
  • By discovering this, he hopes to enable humanity to have greater control over nature and to acquire fame.
Illustrative background for CompanionshipIllustrative background for Companionship ?? "content


  • He has a desire for companionship (perhaps linking him to the creature too.)
Illustrative background for Didactic purpose Illustrative background for Didactic purpose  ?? "content

Didactic purpose

  • He doesn’t learn from Victor’s story:
    • He overlooks the didactic purpose of his tale.
      • He states that he "had rather die then return shamefully-my purpose unfulfilled" even after Victor warns him that "the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been."
Illustrative background for Position in the novel Illustrative background for Position in the novel  ?? "content

Position in the novel

  • He is an extra-diegetic/ framing narrator within the novel.

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1Narrative Structure

2Character Summaries

3Intertextuality & Allusions

4Biographic Context

5Chapter Summaries

6Key Themes

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