
Other Characters

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Other Characters

Here is an overview of some of the minor characters in Frankenstein:

Illustrative background for M. WaldmanIllustrative background for M. Waldman ?? "content

M. Waldman

  • A professor who sparks Victor’s interest in science.
  • Just like Alphonse, he dismisses the alchemists’ conclusions as unfounded.
  • He sympathises with Victor’s interest in science that can explain the “big questions”, such as the origin of life.
Illustrative background for M. KrempeIllustrative background for M. Krempe ?? "content

M. Krempe

  • A professor at Ingolstadt who dismisses Victor’s study of the alchemists as wasted time and encourages him to get back to his studies.
  • Like with his father, Victor responds in a rebellious way, deciding he knows best and continues his studies in pursuing "nature to her hiding places."
Illustrative background for Mr. Kirwin Illustrative background for Mr. Kirwin  ?? "content

Mr. Kirwin

  • The magistrate who accuses Victor of Henry’s murder but then lets him go free after realising he could not have committed the crime.

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1Narrative Structure

2Character Summaries

3Intertextuality & Allusions

4Biographic Context

5Chapter Summaries

6Key Themes

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