
Narrative Distancing

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Narrative Distancing

Even though the narratives are embedded into one another, there is also a sense of narrative distancing between each voice.

Illustrative background for Narrative distancingIllustrative background for Narrative distancing ?? "content

Narrative distancing

  • Even though the narratives are embedded into one another, there is also a sense of narrative distancing between each voice.
  • This is especially true of our first extradiegetic narrator of Walton as we delve into the world of Victor.
Illustrative background for Contextual distancing Illustrative background for Contextual distancing  ?? "content

Contextual distancing

  • Shelley uses narrative distancing to distance her own voice from the text (with the patriarchal Georgian society disenfranchising female voices).
Illustrative background for Victor's distancing Illustrative background for Victor's distancing  ?? "content

Victor's distancing

  • Shelley uses narrative distancing to reflect the literal geographic distances that the reader travels in this journey.
  • It also reflects the moral and ethical distancing Victor places between himself and his family and wider society, including the world of science.
Illustrative background for The creature's distancingIllustrative background for The creature's distancing ?? "content

The creature's distancing

  • The narrative distancing also helps to signal the alterity of the creature and his alienation from the De Lacey family, from Victor and from society in general.

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1Narrative Structure

2Character Summaries

3Intertextuality & Allusions

4Biographic Context

5Chapter Summaries

6Key Themes

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