
Court Factions

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Elizabeth I and her Court

The court was the centre of political and social life for England’s ruling classes. The queen used it to build a network of loyal supporters dependent on her for their status.

Illustrative background for PatronageIllustrative background for Patronage ?? "content


  • Patronage means being given gifts such as lands, office, monopolies (having the sole right to produce or sell a good) and titles in return for loyalty.
  • The Queen and key ministers, such as Cecil, bestowed patronage.
  • Being given an office was the most valued gift from the monarch. Offices might be in the Church, central government, the law or the Royal Household.
  • Elizabeth only gave 18 titles (making people peers) during her reign. By the end of her reign in 1603, there were fewer nobles than at the start of her reign in 1558.
Illustrative background for The Household and the Privy ChamberIllustrative background for The Household and the Privy Chamber ?? "content

The Household and the Privy Chamber

  • The Household was the monarch’s domestic staff.
  • Headed by the Lord Chamberlain, it employed 1500 people.
  • It was divided into departments according to its work. For example:
    • Robe.
    • Bakehouse.
  • The Privy Chamber fulfilled the same domestic function as before but was becoming less important.
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Government and court

  • The monarch was the centre of government and the court was wherever the monarch was.
  • Officials had to attend court to get royal permission for their actions.
  • Nobles had to attend to get noticed and be rewarded with patronage. They might hope to become a favourite with the queen.
  • Elizabeth promoted loyal, competent men at court to posts in the Privy Council or her Household.
  • She also promoted favourites, who then became the target of jealousy and court politics.
Illustrative background for Key courtiers from the gentryIllustrative background for Key courtiers from the gentry ?? "content

Key courtiers from the gentry

  • Sir William Cecil - Lord Burghley from 1573. He was Elizabeth’s most important and trusted adviser. His son, Robert Cecil took his place in 1596.
  • Sir Christopher Hatton - his close friendship with Elizabeth was especially resented by the nobility.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh - a favourite from the 1580s. Hatton was jealous of him.
  • Sir Francis Walsingham - a staunch Protestant. He developed an extensive spy network and was instrumental in Mary, Queen of Scots’ execution.
Illustrative background for Key courtiers from the nobilityIllustrative background for Key courtiers from the nobility ?? "content

Key courtiers from the nobility

  • Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester from 1564.
  • The Earl of Sussex was from the old nobility.
  • The Earl of Essex was Elizabeth’s last great favourite, but it ended disastrously.

Factional Rivalries in Elizabeth's Court

Elizabeth's court was filled with factions (groups with a common interest). These groups all had rivalries with each other. The members of a faction could change depending on the issue at hand.

Illustrative background for Conservative Court factionsIllustrative background for Conservative Court factions ?? "content

Conservative Court factions

  • A conservative faction at Court included:
    • The Duke of Norfolk, the Earls of Sussex and Shrewsbury, Sir James Croft and Sir Christopher Hatton.
    • Conservative influence (except for Hatton’s) waned in the 1570s after the Northern Rebellion (a rebellion in 1569 where Catholic nobles tried to overthrow Elizabeth I and put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne) and Ridolfi Plot (a plot to assassinate Elizabeth I and put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne).
Illustrative background for Protestant Court factionsIllustrative background for Protestant Court factions ?? "content

Protestant Court factions

  • The Protestant faction at Court included:
    • Sir William Cecil, Sir Walter Mildmay, Sir Francis Walsingham, the Earls of Leicester, Warwick and Bedford.
    • These men formed an ‘inner ring’ around Elizabeth from the 1570s.
Illustrative background for Early Privy Council FactionsIllustrative background for Early Privy Council Factions ?? "content

Early Privy Council Factions

  • Cecil and Leicester had their own followings at court and often disagreed on political issues. They conflicted over Elizabeth’s potential marriage in the 1560s.
  • In the 1570s and the 1580s, factional rivalry was limited. Courtiers co-operated and Elizabeth managed any rivalries effectively.
Illustrative background for Late Privy Council FactionsIllustrative background for Late Privy Council Factions ?? "content

Late Privy Council Factions

  • By the 1590s, a new generation of courtiers dominated. Factional rivalry grew after the deaths of Leicester (1588), Walsingham (1590) and Hatton (1592).
  • Cecil’s ill health diminished his influence after 1592. His son, Robert, eventually replaced him.
  • In the late 1590s factions formed around Robert Cecil and the young Earl of Essex. Essex lost Elizabeth I’s favour and was executed for treason in 1601.

Significance of Burghley’s Death

Up to the 1590s, Elizabeth had harnessed court factions to her advantage. However, by the 1590s she began to lose her most trusted advisors, most importantly, William Cecil. As a result, court politics became unstable.

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Death of key advisors

  • In 1588, the Earl of Leicester died.
  • In 1590, Francis Walsingham died.
  • In 1591, Christopher Hatton died.
  • From 1592, Burghley was an invalid. His influence waned until he passed away in 1598.
Illustrative background for Polarised factionsIllustrative background for Polarised factions ?? "content

Polarised factions

  • The Earl of Essex emerged as a charismatic, yet divisive, courtier.
  • He gained significant influence and patronage at court.
  • Similarly, Lord Burghley’s son, Robert Cecil was proving his political acumen.
  • In 1597, Cecil became Chief Secretary.
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Impact of these new courtiers

  • Burghley’s demise brought about the end of court stability.
  • Guy (1997): Elizabeth’s reign can be split into two. The ‘second reign’ in the 1590s was characterised by a crisis in government.
  • Some historians argue that the disintegration of court stability and the Privy Council signalled the end of consensus (which came to a head in the civil war).
  • This viewpoint has been challenged. Some argue it is an over exaggeration and that the 1590s were a ‘blip’ where court factionalism was particularly prominent.

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1Monarch & Government

2Religious Changes

3State Control & Popular Resistance

4Economic, Social & Cultural Change

5Historical Interpretations

5.1Significance of Threats to National Security

5.2Court Politics

5.3Elizabeth & Parliament

5.4Social Distress in the 1590s

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