
Pseudocode & Flow Diagrams

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Pseudocode is a common way of representing an algorithm.

Illustrative background for PseudocodeIllustrative background for Pseudocode ?? "content


  • Pseudocode is a way to write out algorithms using code-like statements.
  • It is intended to be very readable, and easy to understand.
Illustrative background for Purpose of pseudocodeIllustrative background for Purpose of pseudocode ?? "content

Purpose of pseudocode

  • Pseudocode is not an actual programming language.
  • Pseudocode is used to plan algorithms, focusing on the logic and steps rather than language-specific syntax.

Flow Diagrams

Flow diagrams are used to represent a given algorithm.

Illustrative background for Flow diagramsIllustrative background for Flow diagrams ?? "content

Flow diagrams

  • Flow diagrams are used to visually represent the steps that make up an algorithm.
  • A standard set of shapes are used to represent different types of step.
  • Arrows represent the flow of control, or what to execute next.
Illustrative background for Standard shapesIllustrative background for Standard shapes ?? "content

Standard shapes

  • An oval is used for the start and end of a program.
  • A rectangle is used to represent a process.
Illustrative background for Standard shapesIllustrative background for Standard shapes ?? "content

Standard shapes

  • A parallelogram is used to represent an input or an output.
  • A diamond is used to represent a decision:
    • A decision has two labelled arrows coming out of it.
    • The 'Yes' arrow is followed if the condition in the diamond was true, otherwise the 'No' arrow is followed.

Jump to other topics

1Components of a Computer

2Software & Software Development

3Exchanging Data

4Data Types, Data Structures & Algorithms

5Legal, Moral, Cultural & Ethical Issues

6Elements of Computational Thinking

6.1Thinking Abstractly

6.2Thinking Procedurally

6.3Thinking Logically

7Problem Solving & Programming


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