
Compiling a Program

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Compiling a Program

You need to know the process a piece of code undergoes when it is compiled by a program.

Illustrative background for Compiling a programIllustrative background for Compiling a program ?? "content

Compiling a program

  • When code is compiled through a compiler, it has to go through 4 stages before it is ready to run.
Illustrative background for Stages of compilationIllustrative background for Stages of compilation ?? "content

Stages of compilation

  • Those stages are:
    1. Lexical analysis.
    2. Syntax analysis.
    3. Code generation.
    4. Code optimisation.

Lexical Analysis

Lexical analysis is the first stage a compiled language goes through to compile code.

Illustrative background for White spaceIllustrative background for White space ?? "content

White space

  • Firstly, white space is removed from the code.
  • This is the white space that is present to help humans read the code.
  • The compiler doesn’t need the white space so it is removed.
Illustrative background for TokensIllustrative background for Tokens ?? "content


  • The compiler will then look through the code and create tokens out of the keywords and operators it finds (lexemes).
  • A token is a string that is recognised by the computer.
    • For example, the number 8 might be assigned the token 'number:8'.
  • Any comments are ignored by the compiler.
Illustrative background for Symbol tableIllustrative background for Symbol table ?? "content

Symbol table

  • These tokens are assembled into a symbol table ready for the next step of the compiling process.

Syntax Analysis, Code Generation & Optimisation

When code is compiled through a compiler, it has to go through 4 stages before it is ready to run.

Illustrative background for Step 2: syntax analysisIllustrative background for Step 2: syntax analysis ?? "content

Step 2: syntax analysis

  • During syntax analysis, the tokenised code from the lexical analysis is compared to the rules of the programming language.
  • If a section or part of the code is found to not fit with these rules, an error is generated with details of what and where it is.
  • It will continue to perform syntax analysis of all of the code and generate more errors if found.
  • A full error report will be given back to the user of all errors found.
  • This differs to interpreted languages as they return one error at a time.
Illustrative background for Step 3: code generationIllustrative background for Step 3: code generation ?? "content

Step 3: code generation

  • Once the code has successfully passed the first two stages, it’s time to generate the code.
  • During this stage object or machine code is generated.
  • This is what the CPU actually works with to make your program run.
Illustrative background for Step 4: optimisationIllustrative background for Step 4: optimisation ?? "content

Step 4: optimisation

  • After your code has been generated into machine or object code it will be optimised for efficiency.
  • The purpose is to make the binary footprint as small as possible and will remove procedures and variables that are written into the code but never used.

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