
Boolean Identities

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Boolean Identities

There are a number of rules that can be used to simplify boolean expressions. Simplified expressions are cheaper and easier to implement as fewer logic gates are needed.

Illustrative background for AND identitiesIllustrative background for AND identities ?? "content

AND identities

  • A value AND false returns false.
    • X.0=0X. 0 = 0
  • A value AND true returns the value.
    • X.1=XX.1 = X
  • A value AND the same value returns the value.
    • X.X=XX.X = X
  • A value AND NOT the same value returns false.
    • X.X=0X.\overline{X} = 0
Illustrative background for OR identitiesIllustrative background for OR identities ?? "content

OR identities

  • A value OR false returns the value.
    • X+0=XX + 0 = X
  • A value OR true returns true.
    • X+1=1X + 1 = 1
  • A value OR the same value returns the value.
    • X+X=XX + X = X
  • A value OR NOT the same value returns true.
    • X+X=1X +\overline{X} = 1
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  • Using the identities, we can simplify the expression:
    • (X.X)+(X+0)(X.X)+(X+0)
    • (X.X)+X(X . X) + X
    • X+XX + X
    • XX

Rules of Boolean Operations

There are a number of rules that can be used to simplify boolean expressions. Simplified expressions are cheaper and easier to implement as fewer logic gates are needed.

Illustrative background for AbsorptionIllustrative background for Absorption ?? "content


  • We can simplify expressions in the following way:
    • X+(X.Y)=X+X=XX+(X.Y) = X +X = X
  • We can only do this if:
    • The value outside the brackets must be present within the brackets.
    • The operators inside and outside the brackets must be different.
  • We say that Y has been absorbed.
Illustrative background for CommutativeIllustrative background for Commutative ?? "content


  • The commutative rule states that values in AND or OR expressions can be swapped without changing the result:
    • X.Y=Y.XX. Y = Y . X
    • X+Y=Y+XX + Y = Y + X
Illustrative background for DistributiveIllustrative background for Distributive ?? "content


  • A value outside of a set of brackets can be distributed between the values within the brackets:
    • X.(Y+Z)=(X.Y)+(X.Z)X . (Y + Z) = (X . Y) + (X . Z)
    • X+(Y.Z)=(X+Y).(X+Z)X + (Y . Z) = (X + Y) .(X + Z)
Illustrative background for AssociativeIllustrative background for Associative ?? "content


  • The associative rule confirms that the order of operators in an expression has no impact on the result:
    • (X+Y)+Z=X+(Y+Z)(X + Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z)
    • (X.Y).Z=X.(Y.Z)(X . Y) .Z= X . (Y . Z)
Illustrative background for Double NegationIllustrative background for Double Negation ?? "content

Double Negation

  • The equivalent of any double-negative is a positive:
    • (X)=X\overline{(\overline{X})} = X
Illustrative background for De Morgan's LawIllustrative background for De Morgan's Law ?? "content

De Morgan's Law

  • De Morgan's law is as follows:
    • X+Y=X.Y\overline{X + Y} = \overline{X} . \overline{Y}
    • X.Y=X+Y\overline{X . Y} = \overline{X} + \overline{Y}
  • We can use this law to convert part of an expression so the whole expression only uses one type of operator.
  • This reduces the cost as only one type of gate is required.

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