Work Done when Braking
Work Done when Braking
When we push the brake pedal, brake pads are pressed onto the wheels. This contact causes friction. This causes work to be done. The work done between the brakes and the wheels converts (changes) energy from kinetic energy in the wheels to thermal energy in the brakes. The temperature of the brakes then increases.

Higher speed
Higher speed
- The greater the speed of a vehicle, the greater the braking force needed to stop the vehicle before a certain distance.
- This means that more work needs to be done on the brakes to stop the car.

Higher mass
Higher mass
- The greater the mass of the vehicle, the greater the braking force needed to stop the vehicle. This means that more work needs to be done on the brakes to stop the car.

Higher grip
Higher grip
- For the same work done, the stopping distance will decrease if the force (grip) between the road and the vehicle increases.

Estimating forces
Estimating forces
- When a car comes to a stop, the work done by the brakes must equal the initial kinetic energy of the car.
- Work done = initial kinetic energy.
- F d = 1⁄2 m v2.
- We can use this equation to estimate the force applied by the brakes.
Dangers of Large Decelerations
Dangers of Large Decelerations
The greater the braking force, the greater the deceleration of the vehicle. Large decelerations can cause brakes to overheat and/or the car to skid. A larger deceleration will transfer more stopping force to passengers. This harms passengers. Compare these situations:

Traffic lights
Traffic lights
- When a typical family car decelerates at a set of traffic lights, only a small force is exerted on (applied to) the passengers.
- This is because the deceleration happens over a long period of time.
- The force should not be enough to harm the passengers.

Emergency stop
Emergency stop
- When a typical family car suddenly stops on the road to avoid a collision, a greater force is exerted on (applied to) the passengers.
- This is because the deceleration happens over a shorter period of time.

- When a typical family car suddenly is stopped by a crash, an even greater force is applied to the passengers than the last example.
- This is because the deceleration happens in even less time.
- This could harm passengers.
1.1Energy Changes
1.1.1Energy Stores
1.1.2Energy Storing
1.1.3Internal Energy
1.1.4Kinetic Energy Storage
1.1.5Gravitational Potential Energy Storage
1.1.6Elastic Potential Energy Storage
1.1.7Calculating Changes in Energy
1.1.8Changes in Kinetic Energy - Calculations
1.1.9Changes in GPE - Calculations
1.1.10Changes in EPE - Calculations
1.1.11Energy Transfers
1.1.12Energy Transfer Examples
1.1.13Mechanical Work Done
1.1.14Mechanical Work Done Equation
1.1.15Mechanical Work - Calculations
1.1.16Electrical Work Done
1.1.18Electrical Work Done- Calculations
1.2Energy Losses & Efficiency
1.3Energy Resources
1.3.1Energy Resources
1.3.2Fossil Fuels
1.3.3Geothermal Energy
1.3.4Wind Energy
1.3.5Water Energy
1.3.6Tidal Energy
1.3.7Nuclear Energy
1.3.8Solar Energy
1.3.9Original Source of Energy
1.3.10Non-Renewable and Renewable Resources
1.3.11Uses of Energy Sources
1.3.12Changing Electricity Use
1.3.13Renewable Energy
1.3.14End of Topic Test - Energy
1.3.15Exam-Style Questions - Energy
2.1Electric Charge
2.2Resistance & Electrical Work
2.3Electric Circuits
2.4Electricity in Homes
3Particle Model of Matter
3.1States of Matter
3.2.1Internal Energy
3.2.2Change in Thermal Energy
3.2.3Specific Heat Capacity Experiment
3.2.4Equation for Heat Capacity
3.2.5Leslie's Cube
3.2.6Internal Energy - Calculations
3.2.7Melting and Boiling
3.2.8Latent Heat
3.2.9Energy Change for Change of State
3.2.10Latent Heat - Calculations
3.2.11Latent Heat Experiments
4Atoms & Radiation
4.2.2Types of Radiation
4.2.4Background Radiation
4.2.5Types of Radioactive Emission
4.2.6Ionising vs Penetration
4.2.7Practical Applications of Radiation
4.2.8Nuclear Fission
4.2.9Nuclear Fusion
4.2.10Radioactive Decay
4.2.11Radioactive Decay Equations
4.2.12Fission & Fusion Equations
4.2.13Radio. decay equations - Calculations
4.2.14Half Lives
4.2.15Measuring Half Lives
4.2.16Ionising Radiation
4.2.17Half Life -Calculations
4.2.18Safety Precautions
4.2.19Uses for Isotopes With Different Half-lives
4.2.20Radioactive Contamination and Irradiation
4.2.21Peer Review
4.2.22End of Topic Test - Atoms & Radiation
4.2.23Grade 9 - Radiation
4.2.24Exam-Style Questions - Radioactive Decay
5.1Basics of Motion
5.1.2Average Speed
5.1.3Adding Vectors
5.1.5Distance vs Displacement
5.1.6Contact and Non-Contact Forces
5.1.7Distance-Time Graphs
5.1.8Speed-Time Graphs
5.1.9Average Speed - Calculations
5.1.10Acceleration - Calculations
5.1.11Uniform Acceleration - Calculations
5.1.12Grade 9 - Motion
5.1.13Exam-Style Questions - Motion
5.2.1Mass and Inertia
5.2.3Centre of Mass
5.2.4Gravity - Calculations
5.2.5Resultant Forces
5.2.6Newton's First Law
5.2.7Newton's Third Law
5.2.8Newton Second Law - Calculations
5.2.9Free Body Force Diagrams
5.2.10Components of Forces
5.2.11Free Body Diagrams - Calculations
5.2.12Stretching a Spring
5.2.13Hooke's Law and Equation
5.2.14Spring Experiment
5.2.15Hooke's Law - Calculations
5.2.16Elastic Potential Energy
5.2.17Elastic Potential - Calculations
5.2.18Exam-Style Questions - Elastic Potential Energy
5.3Effects of Forces
5.3.2Air Resistance and Friction
5.3.3Graphing Acceleration
5.3.5Momentum: Law of Conservation
5.3.6Force and Momentum Change
5.3.7Change in Momentum - Calculations
5.3.8Momentum - Calculations
5.3.11Moments - Calculations
5.3.12Circular Motion
5.3.13Levers & Gears
5.3.14Stopping Distance
5.3.15Factors Affecting Stopping Distance
5.3.17Stopping Distance - Calculations
6.1Wave Basics
6.2Waves at a Boundary
6.3Sound Waves
6.3.1Sound Waves
6.3.2Sound Waves and our Ears
6.3.3Speed of Sound
6.3.4Speed of Sound Experiment
6.3.5Sound as a Wave
6.3.6Uses of Sound Waves: Ultrasound Waves
6.3.7Uses of Sound Waves: Earthquakes
6.3.8Sound Waves - Calculations
6.3.9End of Topic Test - Introduction to Waves
6.3.10Exam-Style Questions - Wave Speed
6.4Electromagnetic Waves
7.1Magnetism Basics
7.2.1The Magnetic Effect of a Current
7.2.2Solenoid Field
7.2.3Magnetic Field Strength
7.2.4Uses of Electromagnets
7.2.5Motor Effect
7.2.6Magnetic Flux Equation
7.2.7Magnetic Flux - Calculations
7.2.8Electric Motors
7.2.9Force Acting on a Coil in a Magnetic Field
7.2.10Induced Potential Difference
7.2.11Magnetic Field Direction
7.2.12Forces Between Electricity and Magnets
7.2.14Generator Effect
7.3.2Transformer Equation
7.3.3Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
7.3.4Principles of Transformer Operation
7.3.5High-Voltage Transmission and Transformers
7.3.6Energy in Transformers
7.3.7Power Losses in Cables
7.3.8Transformers - Calculations
7.3.9Transformers 2 - Calculations
7.3.10End of Topic Test - Magnetism
7.3.11Grade 9 - Transformers
7.3.12Exam-Style Questions - Magnetic Fields
8.1.1The Solar System
8.1.2The Sun
8.1.3The Solar System - Calculations
8.1.5Stable Orbits
8.1.6Orbits HyperLearning
8.1.7Life Cycle of a Star
8.1.8Creation of Elements
8.1.10The Big Bang Theory
8.1.11Gaps in Knowledge
8.1.12End of Topic Test - Astrophysics
8.1.13Exam-Style Questions - Astrophysics
Jump to other topics
1.1Energy Changes
1.1.1Energy Stores
1.1.2Energy Storing
1.1.3Internal Energy
1.1.4Kinetic Energy Storage
1.1.5Gravitational Potential Energy Storage
1.1.6Elastic Potential Energy Storage
1.1.7Calculating Changes in Energy
1.1.8Changes in Kinetic Energy - Calculations
1.1.9Changes in GPE - Calculations
1.1.10Changes in EPE - Calculations
1.1.11Energy Transfers
1.1.12Energy Transfer Examples
1.1.13Mechanical Work Done
1.1.14Mechanical Work Done Equation
1.1.15Mechanical Work - Calculations
1.1.16Electrical Work Done
1.1.18Electrical Work Done- Calculations
1.2Energy Losses & Efficiency
1.3Energy Resources
1.3.1Energy Resources
1.3.2Fossil Fuels
1.3.3Geothermal Energy
1.3.4Wind Energy
1.3.5Water Energy
1.3.6Tidal Energy
1.3.7Nuclear Energy
1.3.8Solar Energy
1.3.9Original Source of Energy
1.3.10Non-Renewable and Renewable Resources
1.3.11Uses of Energy Sources
1.3.12Changing Electricity Use
1.3.13Renewable Energy
1.3.14End of Topic Test - Energy
1.3.15Exam-Style Questions - Energy
2.1Electric Charge
2.2Resistance & Electrical Work
2.3Electric Circuits
2.4Electricity in Homes
3Particle Model of Matter
3.1States of Matter
3.2.1Internal Energy
3.2.2Change in Thermal Energy
3.2.3Specific Heat Capacity Experiment
3.2.4Equation for Heat Capacity
3.2.5Leslie's Cube
3.2.6Internal Energy - Calculations
3.2.7Melting and Boiling
3.2.8Latent Heat
3.2.9Energy Change for Change of State
3.2.10Latent Heat - Calculations
3.2.11Latent Heat Experiments
4Atoms & Radiation
4.2.2Types of Radiation
4.2.4Background Radiation
4.2.5Types of Radioactive Emission
4.2.6Ionising vs Penetration
4.2.7Practical Applications of Radiation
4.2.8Nuclear Fission
4.2.9Nuclear Fusion
4.2.10Radioactive Decay
4.2.11Radioactive Decay Equations
4.2.12Fission & Fusion Equations
4.2.13Radio. decay equations - Calculations
4.2.14Half Lives
4.2.15Measuring Half Lives
4.2.16Ionising Radiation
4.2.17Half Life -Calculations
4.2.18Safety Precautions
4.2.19Uses for Isotopes With Different Half-lives
4.2.20Radioactive Contamination and Irradiation
4.2.21Peer Review
4.2.22End of Topic Test - Atoms & Radiation
4.2.23Grade 9 - Radiation
4.2.24Exam-Style Questions - Radioactive Decay
5.1Basics of Motion
5.1.2Average Speed
5.1.3Adding Vectors
5.1.5Distance vs Displacement
5.1.6Contact and Non-Contact Forces
5.1.7Distance-Time Graphs
5.1.8Speed-Time Graphs
5.1.9Average Speed - Calculations
5.1.10Acceleration - Calculations
5.1.11Uniform Acceleration - Calculations
5.1.12Grade 9 - Motion
5.1.13Exam-Style Questions - Motion
5.2.1Mass and Inertia
5.2.3Centre of Mass
5.2.4Gravity - Calculations
5.2.5Resultant Forces
5.2.6Newton's First Law
5.2.7Newton's Third Law
5.2.8Newton Second Law - Calculations
5.2.9Free Body Force Diagrams
5.2.10Components of Forces
5.2.11Free Body Diagrams - Calculations
5.2.12Stretching a Spring
5.2.13Hooke's Law and Equation
5.2.14Spring Experiment
5.2.15Hooke's Law - Calculations
5.2.16Elastic Potential Energy
5.2.17Elastic Potential - Calculations
5.2.18Exam-Style Questions - Elastic Potential Energy
5.3Effects of Forces
5.3.2Air Resistance and Friction
5.3.3Graphing Acceleration
5.3.5Momentum: Law of Conservation
5.3.6Force and Momentum Change
5.3.7Change in Momentum - Calculations
5.3.8Momentum - Calculations
5.3.11Moments - Calculations
5.3.12Circular Motion
5.3.13Levers & Gears
5.3.14Stopping Distance
5.3.15Factors Affecting Stopping Distance
5.3.17Stopping Distance - Calculations
6.1Wave Basics
6.2Waves at a Boundary
6.3Sound Waves
6.3.1Sound Waves
6.3.2Sound Waves and our Ears
6.3.3Speed of Sound
6.3.4Speed of Sound Experiment
6.3.5Sound as a Wave
6.3.6Uses of Sound Waves: Ultrasound Waves
6.3.7Uses of Sound Waves: Earthquakes
6.3.8Sound Waves - Calculations
6.3.9End of Topic Test - Introduction to Waves
6.3.10Exam-Style Questions - Wave Speed
6.4Electromagnetic Waves
7.1Magnetism Basics
7.2.1The Magnetic Effect of a Current
7.2.2Solenoid Field
7.2.3Magnetic Field Strength
7.2.4Uses of Electromagnets
7.2.5Motor Effect
7.2.6Magnetic Flux Equation
7.2.7Magnetic Flux - Calculations
7.2.8Electric Motors
7.2.9Force Acting on a Coil in a Magnetic Field
7.2.10Induced Potential Difference
7.2.11Magnetic Field Direction
7.2.12Forces Between Electricity and Magnets
7.2.14Generator Effect
7.3.2Transformer Equation
7.3.3Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
7.3.4Principles of Transformer Operation
7.3.5High-Voltage Transmission and Transformers
7.3.6Energy in Transformers
7.3.7Power Losses in Cables
7.3.8Transformers - Calculations
7.3.9Transformers 2 - Calculations
7.3.10End of Topic Test - Magnetism
7.3.11Grade 9 - Transformers
7.3.12Exam-Style Questions - Magnetic Fields
8.1.1The Solar System
8.1.2The Sun
8.1.3The Solar System - Calculations
8.1.5Stable Orbits
8.1.6Orbits HyperLearning
8.1.7Life Cycle of a Star
8.1.8Creation of Elements
8.1.10The Big Bang Theory
8.1.11Gaps in Knowledge
8.1.12End of Topic Test - Astrophysics
8.1.13Exam-Style Questions - Astrophysics

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