Animal Farm is an allegory; all of the events and characters symbolise 20th century historical and political events.

5 key words
5 key words
- Intelligent.
- Passive.
- Old.
- Resigned.
- Loyal friend.

Intelligent but passive
Intelligent but passive
- Benjamin is intelligent and he can foresee what other characters are up to.
- However, he does not get involved when he witnesses corruption. He is passive.

Given up?
Given up?
- He questions the outcome of the revolution.
- Benjamin is old and has seen many of these events before, perhaps he feels that history repeats itself and there is no point in intervening because the outcome will always be the same: further suffering for the working classes and the powerless.

Loyal to Boxer
Loyal to Boxer
- Benjamin is loyal to Boxer. He calls the others to Boxer as he realises what is really going on, but it is too late.

- Benjamin represents the Russian intellectuals who could see that things would not work, but did nothing to stop corruption.
Benjamin - Key Quotes
Benjamin - Key Quotes
Here are a few key quotes concerning Benjamin's character:

- “The oldest animal on the farm and the worst tempered”.

Loyal friend
Loyal friend
- “Devoted to Boxer”.

Resigned to the corruption
Resigned to the corruption
- “They’re sending Boxer to the knacker’s!”
1Important Plot Features
2Characters & Their Links to History
2.1Key Characters
3Key Themes & Orwell's Purpose
4Language, Form & Structure
4.1Language, Form & Structure
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1Important Plot Features
2Characters & Their Links to History
2.1Key Characters
3Key Themes & Orwell's Purpose
4Language, Form & Structure
4.1Language, Form & Structure

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