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Animal Farm is an allegory; all of the events and characters symbolise 20th century historical and political events.

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5 key words

  • Manipulative.
  • Hypocrite.
  • Propaganda for Napoleon.
  • Corrupt.
  • Threatening.
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  • The first thing that we are told about Squealer is that he is manipulative; he makes corruption look innocent and pure.
  • Squealer poses his lies as facts and figures in order to confuse and convince the uneducated animals.
  • Squealer lies in order to control and manipulate the animals. He doesn’t appear to mind that his lies lead to their suffering. He is “skipping” while he tells the animals that Boxer is being taken to the vets, when he is actually being taken to his death. This makes Squealer’s character appear to be totally remorseless and unfeeling, selfish and repulsive.
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Manipulates language

  • Squealer’s ability to manipulate language and control others demonstrates how powerful this skill is and how dangerous this type of control can be.
  • Squealer changes all of the commandments so that they suit the pigs and give them even more power and control. His language threatens the animals and gradually, over the novel, reminds the animals that they are being watched.
  • However, he manages to twist even this to make it look like it is for the animals' own wellbeing.
Illustrative background for Napoleon's spokesmanIllustrative background for Napoleon's spokesman ?? "content

Napoleon's spokesman

  • Squealer becomes Napoleon’s spokesperson.
  • He justifies Napoleon’s behaviour and twists language so that it appears that the animals have choices, when in fact they are powerless. He makes it seem like they are cared for, when in fact they are being controlled.
  • The dogs begin to follow Squealer around and it becomes clear that Squealer’s role is to eliminate any opposition to Napoleon – either through manipulation or threatening terror.
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Threatening and hypocritical

  • He repeatedly threatens the animals from Chapter 3 onwards so that the pigs can have whatever they want.
  • Orwell shows Squealer to be a repulsive hypocrite. He is selfish and power-hungry; he twists reality to suit his own purpose. This is reflected by the fact that, while reducing the animals’ rations to the point where they are starving, Squealer is getting fatter and fatter.
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  • Squealer is an allegorical figure for propaganda.
  • Stalin's propaganda team manipulated language and images to manipulate the public and retain complete control.

Squealer - Key Quotes

Here are a few key quotes concerning Squealer's character:

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  • “Squealer could turn black into white”.
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  • “Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!”
Illustrative background for Mouthpiece for NapoleonIllustrative background for Mouthpiece for Napoleon ?? "content

Mouthpiece for Napoleon

  • Squealer says that Snowball was “in league with Jones from the very start”.
Illustrative background for Corrupt/manipulates languageIllustrative background for Corrupt/manipulates language ?? "content

Corrupt/manipulates language

  • “No animal shall drink alcohol, to excess.
Illustrative background for HypocriteIllustrative background for Hypocrite ?? "content


  • "Squealer was so fat that he could with difficulty see out of his eyes“.

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