The Sheep
The Sheep
Animal Farm is an allegory; all of the events and characters symbolise 20th century historical and political events.

5 key words
5 key words
- Used.
- Manipulated.
- Stupid.
- Powerless.
- Weak.

Utterly loyal
Utterly loyal
- The sheep do as Napoleon and Squealer order them to, without appearing to have any of their own thoughts.
- They bleat the chant when Napoleon wants them to in order to interrupt Snowball.

Don't consider consequences
Don't consider consequences
- They are presented as stupid and easily manipulated. They also come across as unfeeling as their actions cause and promote suffering.
- They are unable to think about the consequences of their actions, this may be because they are too stupid to consider this or because they do not want to.

- When Squealer takes them off at the end of the novel it takes them a week to learn the new chant. This suggests that they are stupid, and they just do what they are told – they blindly follow orders.
- However, unlike Boxer they are not loveable or even likeable.
- Their stupidity is firmly proven when they chant their final chant, which puts them in a position of weakness. They do what they are told without considering the consequences for themselves or others.

- Stalin surrounded himself with allies, people who would support him no matter what he asked.
The Sheep - Key Quotes
The Sheep - Key Quotes
Here are a few key quotes about The Sheep:

Utterly loyal
Utterly loyal
- “Their usual bleating [...] put an end to the discussion”.

Easily manipulated
Easily manipulated
- “Four legs good, two legs bad”.
1Important Plot Features
2Characters & Their Links to History
2.1Key Characters
3Key Themes & Orwell's Purpose
4Language, Form & Structure
4.1Language, Form & Structure
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1Important Plot Features
2Characters & Their Links to History
2.1Key Characters
3Key Themes & Orwell's Purpose
4Language, Form & Structure
4.1Language, Form & Structure

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