Animal Farm is an allegory; all of the events and characters symbolise 20th century historical and political events.

5 key words
5 key words
- Trusting.
- Self-doubting.
- Obedient.
- Powerless.
- Kind.

Blindly loyal to Animalism
Blindly loyal to Animalism
- Clover, like Boxer, is loyal to Animalism and the Revolution.
- We see through Clover’s perspective (she is the only character whose thoughts we see in detail). This narrative technique shows us that Clover trusts the pigs and doubts her own thoughts.
- Clover asks Benjamin to check the commandments as each one is changed; but again, she doubts her own memory.
- She is obedient; she remains blindly loyal to and unquestioning of Napoleon, even after the executions.

- The regime causes Clover extreme suffering and she is aware of suffering around her. However, she is powerless to act because of the fear and self-doubt that has been instilled in her by Squealer, the dogs and the regime.

Gains readers' sympathy
Gains readers' sympathy
- We see her protecting the ducklings at the start with her foreleg and we see her looking through the window at the end of the novella – witnessing the animals’ betrayal.
- The reader sympathises with her because she is kind, caring and protective. This ending leaves the reader with a sense of hopelessness for the animals and for human society.
- We see the failure of Animal Farm through Clover’s eyes, which leaves us feeling terribly sorry for the animals, but also frustrated in the failure of the revolution. These feelings of frustration, failure and hopelessness are also reflected in the circular plot.

- Boxer and Clover represent the Russian working classes.
- The Russian working classes were unquestioning and uneducated. They worked in terrible conditions for no reward.
- Boxer also represents the innocent people who were taken away from their homes and families to labour camps.
Clover - Key Quotes
Clover - Key Quotes
Here are a few key quotes concerning Clover's character:

Kind (gains our sympathy)
Kind (gains our sympathy)
- “Clover made a sort of wall round them with her great foreleg”.

Stupidly loyal
Stupidly loyal
- “Only Boxer and Clover never lost heart”.

Exposes us to the hopelessness
Exposes us to the hopelessness
- “They had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes. There was no thought of rebellion or disobedience in her mind”.
1Important Plot Features
2Characters & Their Links to History
2.1Key Characters
3Key Themes & Orwell's Purpose
4Language, Form & Structure
4.1Language, Form & Structure
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1Important Plot Features
2Characters & Their Links to History
2.1Key Characters
3Key Themes & Orwell's Purpose
4Language, Form & Structure
4.1Language, Form & Structure

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