Inspector Goole Analysis
Role of Inspector Goole and Link to the Family
Role of Inspector Goole and Link to the Family
Inspector Goole is a police inspector who acts as Priestley's voice in the play.

Link to the family
Link to the family
- He is a police inspector who narrates the story of Eva Smith/Daisy Renton through a series of interrogations of the Birling family and Gerald.

Role in the play
Role in the play
- Inspector Goole reveals information at key moments, in chronological (time) order, to build up the life of Eva Smith.
- He acts as Priestley’s voice – he presents strong socialist beliefs and gives warnings about what could happen if the Birlings continue their selfish ways.
Character Analysis of Inspector Goole
Character Analysis of Inspector Goole
As Inspector Goole enters the room, the atmosphere of the dinner party changes dramatically.

Acts like a teacher
Acts like a teacher
- Despite interrogating the characters, Inspector Goole does not actually openly accuse them of anything until they admit to their actions - he teaches the characters.
- He gets them to understand the roles they played and lets them either feel remorse or show a lack of compassion (pity).
- He causes each character to develop and waits to see if they will use this as an opportunity to change their ways.

Highlights the faults of the upper classes
Highlights the faults of the upper classes
- Inspector Goole refuses to be intimidated by the Birlings’ upper-class status. He refuses to treat them differently.
- Priestley uses him to show how shocked the Birlings are by this – this suggests that they expect special treatment purely because of their social class.
- Inspector Goole knows most of the details of Eva Smith’s story and the family’s involvement before he even asks them – this terrifies the Birlings (who react aggressively) because they work so hard to put up a perfect family image.

- It is unclear who, or what, the Inspector actually is – is he real? Is he a ghost (or a ghoul)? Is he the characters’ consciences? Is he God?
Significance of Inspector Goole
Significance of Inspector Goole
Inspector Goole encourages social equality with how he treats the Birlings and Gerald. He is Priestley's mouthpiece for anti-capitalist and pro-socialist messages.

Warnings about capitalism and war
Warnings about capitalism and war
- Before he leaves, Inspector Goole warns the Birling family that if they do not make some important changes to the way they live their lives, ‘fire and blood and anguish’ will follow.
- This is Priestley warning the family that selfish, capitalist attitudes will ultimately lead to two World Wars, causing thousands of deaths and permanent changes to British (and World) society.
1Plot Summary
2Context & Key Themes
2.1Context & Key Themes
2.1.1Social Class & Equality
2.1.2Class Tension
2.1.3Abuse of Power & Corruption
2.1.4Socialism vs Capitalism
2.1.5Blame & Responsibility
2.1.6Attitudes to Women
2.1.7Characterisation of Women
2.1.8Dramatic Function of Characters
2.1.9End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes 2
2.1.11Grade 9 - Key Themes
3Key Characters
3.1Mr Birling
3.2Mrs Birling
3.6Inspector Goole
3.7Grade 9 - Key Characters
4Authorial Method
4.1Arrangement & Structure of the Play
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1Plot Summary
2Context & Key Themes
2.1Context & Key Themes
2.1.1Social Class & Equality
2.1.2Class Tension
2.1.3Abuse of Power & Corruption
2.1.4Socialism vs Capitalism
2.1.5Blame & Responsibility
2.1.6Attitudes to Women
2.1.7Characterisation of Women
2.1.8Dramatic Function of Characters
2.1.9End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes 2
2.1.11Grade 9 - Key Themes
3Key Characters
3.1Mr Birling
3.2Mrs Birling
3.6Inspector Goole
3.7Grade 9 - Key Characters
4Authorial Method
4.1Arrangement & Structure of the Play

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