Act 2 Summary
Summary of Act 2
Summary of Act 2
Here's a summary of the main events in Act 2:

Gerald's confession
Gerald's confession
- The beginning of this act is filled with tension. Sheila and Gerald argue before Mrs Birling enters and tries to shoo Sheila away.
- We learn Eric is a drunkard. Mrs Birling is upset by this.
- Gerald admits that he met Daisy at the Palace Bar - ‘a favourite haunt’ of prostitutes in Brumley. He says he rescued her from the unwanted advances of Joe Meggarty, a local council member. He says he gave her money for food, but goes on to admit that Daisy later became his mistress.

The engagement and Mrs Birling's connection to Eva/Daisy
The engagement and Mrs Birling's connection to Eva/Daisy
- Sheila gives Gerald her ring back and ends the engagement.
- But Mr Birling encourages Sheila to rethink. He is motivated by the benefits the marriage could bring him.
- When Inspector Goole shows Mrs Birling a photograph of Eva/Daisy, she claims she does not know her. But Inspector Goole says Mrs Birling chaired a Brumley Women’s Charity meeting where Eva asked for financial help because she had no money and was pregnant.
- Mrs Birling admits she rejected Eva/Daisy's request because the girl was ‘impudent’ and had introduced herself as Mrs Birling.

Irony - Eric's involvement
Irony - Eric's involvement
- Mrs Birling refuses to accept responsibility for her actions and says the young man who got Eva pregnant should have taken full responsibility for her.
- Sheila realises that the mysterious man is her brother, Eric. She begs her mother to stop trying to pile blame onto the man but her mother ignores her. She lists her recommended punishments for the man.
- Mrs Birling finally starts to realise that the mystery man who got Eva pregnant is her own son.
- Eric enters as the curtain falls.
1Plot Summary
2Context & Key Themes
2.1Context & Key Themes
2.1.1Social Class & Equality
2.1.2Class Tension
2.1.3Abuse of Power & Corruption
2.1.4Socialism vs Capitalism
2.1.5Blame & Responsibility
2.1.6Attitudes to Women
2.1.7Characterisation of Women
2.1.8Dramatic Function of Characters
2.1.9End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes 2
2.1.11Grade 9 - Key Themes
3Key Characters
3.1Mr Birling
3.2Mrs Birling
3.6Inspector Goole
3.7Grade 9 - Key Characters
4Authorial Method
4.1Arrangement & Structure of the Play
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1Plot Summary
2Context & Key Themes
2.1Context & Key Themes
2.1.1Social Class & Equality
2.1.2Class Tension
2.1.3Abuse of Power & Corruption
2.1.4Socialism vs Capitalism
2.1.5Blame & Responsibility
2.1.6Attitudes to Women
2.1.7Characterisation of Women
2.1.8Dramatic Function of Characters
2.1.9End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes
2.1.10End of Topic Test - Context & Key Themes 2
2.1.11Grade 9 - Key Themes
3Key Characters
3.1Mr Birling
3.2Mrs Birling
3.6Inspector Goole
3.7Grade 9 - Key Characters
4Authorial Method
4.1Arrangement & Structure of the Play

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