Edward VI & Cultural Developments
Intellectual Developments During Edward VI's Reign
Intellectual Developments During Edward VI's Reign
Intellectual developments were a key feature of Edward VI's reign. This was largely driven by Renaissance ideas.

Who was influenced by humanism?
Who was influenced by humanism?
- Humanism mostly affected the educated elite.
- This was because they were literate and could read key humanist texts.

Encouraging humanism
Encouraging humanism
- Humanist ideas about education and human potential were encouraged during Edward VI's reign.
- Humanist ideas spread after works by humanist scholars, such as Erasmus, were translated into English.
- In the mid-1500s, humanists were spreading their message through literature. This was helped by the printing press.

Humanism and religion
Humanism and religion
- When it first developed, humanism was not associated with either Catholicism or Protestantism.
- By Edward VI's reign, humanists were becoming divided because of their clashing religious beliefs.
- Young humanists, in particular, were more likely to believe in Protestant doctrines.
- This was also because Protestant humanists were involved in education. For example, Richard Cox was Edward VI's tutor.

'Sermon of the Plough'
'Sermon of the Plough'
- The Sermon of the Plough was a sermon by Hugh Latimer (a key Protestant minister) at St Paul's in 1548.
- This sermon, which emphasised the importance of Protestant doctrine and social morality, was published and became very popular.
- This is an example of how the printing press was used to spread Protestant and humanist ideas.

Renaissance ideas
Renaissance ideas
- The Renaissance continued to have an influence on intellectual thought in England during Edward VI's reign.
- For example, science was becoming a more rigorous discipline and people were beginning to dismiss superstition.
1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5
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1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5

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