The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
Rebellion During Mary I's Reign
Rebellion During Mary I's Reign
Mary I faced one major rebellion, Wyatt's Rebellion, during her reign.

- Sir Thomas Wyatt and his supporters were opposed to Mary I's marriage to Philip of Spain.
- The rebellion was anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish.
- Wyatt wanted to replace Mary I with Edward Courtenay (a descendant from the Yorkists).

Wyatt's supporters
Wyatt's supporters
- While many supported Wyatt's anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish sentiments, the rebellion also served their own material interests.
- Socioeconomic grievances were caused by the decline of the cloth industry in Kent.
- There was unrest in Kent because of conflict amongst the local gentry who wanted to increase their power.

Course of rebellion
Course of rebellion
- Wyatt intended to coordinate four rebellions at once in March 1554 - In Devon, Leicestershire, Wales and Kent.
- But only the rebellion in Kent that Wyatt led successfully began.
- Wyatt had 3,000 men who he led to London.
- The rebellion failed because Wyatt could not persuade Londoners to join his cause.

Consequences of rebellion
Consequences of rebellion
- Wyatt's rebellion posed a threat to Mary as he threatened London, the capital of England.
- Mary I executed Wyatt, Lady Jane Grey (who had the potential to be used as a symbol for future rebellions) and her husband.
- Princess Elizabeth was arrested because Mary I feared she had a role in the rebellion. But nothing could be proved and she was released.
Historical assessment
Historical assessment
- D.M. Loades (1965) argued that ‘the real reasons which lay behind the conspiracy were secular and political.'
- MacCulloch and Fletcher (2014) argue that '... the religious agenda of the rebellion deserves more attention than Loades gave it. Jane in her proclamation against Mary’s attempt to steal her throne back in July 1553 had emphasised the religious dimension of events...'
Intellectual Developments During Mary I's Reign
Intellectual Developments During Mary I's Reign
Mary I encouraged intellectual developments in England during her reign. She focussed on education in particular.

The printing press
The printing press
- The printing press is often associated with Protestantism.
- But Mary I maximised the printing press when she restored Catholicism.
- For example, the printing press was vital for producing new Catholic prayer books (which had been destroyed by Henry VIII and Edward VI).

- In 1556, Mary proposed that the places clergy were trained should be reformed.
- She supported the development of seminaries, which taught Catholic theology.
- Mary I also focussed on developing universities. For example, St Johns College, Oxford was founded in 1555.
Humanism and Religious Thought During Mary I's Reign
Humanism and Religious Thought During Mary I's Reign
Humanism continued to have a strong influence on English intellectual culture.

- Mary I was also influenced by humanism, particularly Erasmus.
- She even translated some of Erasmus' work herself.
- This reminds us that humanism was not automatically associated with Protestantism.

Religious thought
Religious thought
- It is difficult to establish what people thought of Mary I restoring Catholicism.
- The speed with which Mary I restored Catholicism suggests many supported her.
- Towards the end of her reign, persecutions of Protestants were in decline. This could suggest that Mary was successful in her policies.
- Unfortunately, her untimely death meant she did not have enough time to consolidate her Catholic rule.

Historical assessment
Historical assessment
- Robert Whiting (1997) takes an extreme stance in the debate on the extent to which Mary successfully revived Catholicism in England. Whiting suggests that Mary's Catholic revival was not effective.
- He found that people mentioned prayers and masses for the dead (a Catholic activity) in only 11% of wills he examined.
- This did not mean that people necessarily believed in Protestantism though. 'Protestant views of the afterlife were more common in bigger towns with more trade connections to Protestant London and higher rates of literacy for scripture reading.'
1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5
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1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5

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