Henry VIII & Economic Development
Trade During Henry VIII's Reign
Trade During Henry VIII's Reign
Trade, particularly in woollen clothing, improved under Henry VIII.

Increased trade
Increased trade
- Exports of woollen items increased by 100%.
- London became the centre of trade.
- England's key trading partner was the Netherlands.

Disrupted trade
Disrupted trade
- Trade could be disrupted by war and foreign policy.
- England was damaged by a trade embargo (block) in the late 1520s against Spain.
- This led to a fall in exports and contributed to unemployment in England.
Exploration and Henry VIII
Exploration and Henry VIII
Henry VIII was not interested in exploration. You could argue that Henry VIII missed out on economic opportunities because he ignored the discoveries made by countries such as Spain and Portugal.

Lack of interest
Lack of interest
- Henry VIII did not think it was worthwhile to invest time and effort in the 'New World'.
- The government did not encourage exploration.

The growth of the New World
The growth of the New World
- While Henry VIII was on the throne, Spain and Portugal were building a large empire in the Americas.
Prosperity and Depression During Henry VIII's Reign
Prosperity and Depression During Henry VIII's Reign
The state of England's economy was largely damaged by Henry VIII's costly wars. As well as this, commoners were still very vulnerable to poor harvests and poverty.

- The population increased throughout the Tudor era. This lead to increased demand for food, land and goods, in turn leading to increased prices and rents.
- Henry VIII had debased the currency in the 1540s. Reducing the amount of silver in coins made them less valuable and so more were needed to purchase things.

- The population was quickly growing under Henry VIII.
- Many were unemployed and this led to people moving to urban areas.
- Many who moved to towns and cities lived in poverty.

Poor harvests
Poor harvests
- England was impacted by poor harvests between 1520-1521 and 1527-1529.
- The cost of some foodstuffs doubled.
Efforts to stop enclosure
Efforts to stop enclosure
- The state was anxious to prevent enclosure.
- The Muddled Acts were passed in 1489 and 1515 to prevent enclosure.
- Cromwell passed an act in 1534 designed to limit how many sheep an individual could own.
- But it was very difficult to stop enclosure.
1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5
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1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5

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