Henry VIII & His Government
Crown and Parliament
Crown and Parliament
In his early years, Henry VIII used Parliament in a similar way to his father. But the relationship between Crown and Parliament was altered by the Henrician Reformation.

Early use of Parliament
Early use of Parliament
- Before 1529, Henry VIII only called Parliament twice.
- The first was in 1515 for the Hunne Case. Richard Hunne refused to pay the Church fees of his baby's burial. After being arrested, Hunne was murdered. This was an incident that clearly exposed anti-clericalism in parliament.
- The second time was in 1523 when Parliament needed to agree to greater taxation.

Parliament and the Henrician Reformation
Parliament and the Henrician Reformation
- Parliament passed legislation such as the Act of Supremacy and the Treason Act in 1534.
- Henry VIII and Cromwell had relied on Parliament to pass the necessary legislation. This was new ground because:
- It gave Parliament a role in changing the country’s religion.
- It acknowledged the need for parliamentary agreement to secure such important changes. A precedent had been set.

Parliament's pressure on the clergy
Parliament's pressure on the clergy
- In 1531 Henry VIII pardoned the clergy of crimes against him. But he also forced them to recognise him as the lawmaker and head of the Church.
- The Supplication Against the Ordinaries in March 1532 demanded that the king deal with the corruption of the clergy.
- The Submission of the Clergy in May 1532 stated that Henry VIII could make decisions on Church laws without the Pope.
- In January 1533, Cranmer married Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn in secret.

Parliament's pressure on the Pope
Parliament's pressure on the Pope
- In January 1532, Parliament passed the First Act of Annates. This meant annates (payments to Rome from the clergy when taking up a new post) were suspended.
- In August 1532 Henry VIII asked the Pope to choose Cranmer (who had Protestant sympathies) to be the Archbishop of Canterbury.
- In 1533, parliament passed the Act in Restraint of Appeals. This meant no appeals could be made to the Pope on decisions taken in English courts.
Thomas Wolsey
Thomas Wolsey
Henry VIII was not interested in the details of government. This means his ministers could be very powerful. Henry VIII's first chief minister was Thomas Wolsey.

Wolsey's rise to chief minister
Wolsey's rise to chief minister
- Wolsey was very influential between 1510 and 1529.
- Wolsey was intelligent, worked tirelessly and served Henry well.
- Wolsey overcame rivals at court. The Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, for example, were purged in 1519 and reduced under the Eltham Ordinances.
- Wolsey quickly rose through the Church's ranks.
- By 1518 he was a Papal Legate (meaning he could act on the Pope's behalf).

Wolsey and the Church
Wolsey and the Church
- When Wolsey was Chief Minister, the Reformation was happening in Europe.
- Wolsey tried to reform the Church. He promoted education and wanted the quality of the clergy to improve.
- As a Catholic and Papal Legate, Wolsey was opposed to the ideas of Protestantism.
- But Henry VIII was at odds with the Church because he wanted a divorce from Catherine of Aragon (The Great Matter).

The Great Matter
The Great Matter
- During the late 1520s, Wolsey tried to protect the Church from the King as Henry VIII was frustrated by the Pope over his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
- Henry was concerned his royal prerogative was being undermined. Wolsey assured him it was not.
- Henry wanted Wolsey, as both chief minister and Papal Legate, to influence the Pope. Wolsey failed and the Church came under attack.

Wolsey's fall
Wolsey's fall
- Wolsey's first failing was the Amicable Grant in 1525. Wolsey introduced the grant to fund Henry VIII's war with France. It resulted in rebellion and Henry VIII was forced to pull out of the war.
- Failing to resolve Henry’s ‘Great Matter’, Henry VIII questioned his loyalty (believing he was serving the Pope before him).

Historical debate over Wolsey's fall
Historical debate over Wolsey's fall
- Roger, Ellsmore and Hudson view court politics as a key reason behind Wolsey's fall:
- ‘The Boleyn faction orchestrated Wolsey’s demise because he would not or could not obtain a divorce’.
1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5
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1Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485-1547
1.1Henry VII 1485-1509
1.1.1Henry VII's Consolidation of Power
1.1.2Henry VII & Succession
1.1.3Henry VII's Councils & Parliament
1.1.4End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 1
1.1.5Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies
1.1.6Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.1.7Henry VII & Society
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 2
1.1.9Henry VII & Regional Issues
1.1.10Henry VII & Economic Development
1.1.11Henry VII & Cultural Development
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Henry VII Part 3
1.2Henry VIII 1509-1547
1.2.1Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power
1.2.2Henry VIII & His Government
1.2.3Henry VIII & His Government 2
1.2.4End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 1
1.2.5Henry VIII & Succession
1.2.6Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers
1.2.7Henry VIII & Society
1.2.8End of Topic Test -Henry VIII Part 2
1.2.9Henry VIII & Society 2
1.2.10Henry VIII & Economic Development
1.2.11Henry VIII & Religion
1.2.12End of Topic Test - Henry VIII Part 3
2England: Turmoil & Triumph 1547-1603
2.1Instability & Consolidation 1547-1563
2.1.1Edward VI, Somerset & Northumberland
2.1.2Edward VI & Authority
2.1.3Edward VI & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.4End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 1
2.1.5Edward VI & Rebellions
2.1.6Social Impact of Religious & Economic Changes
2.1.7Edward VI & Cultural Developments
2.1.8End of Topic Test - Edward VI Part 2
2.1.9Mary I & Her Rule
2.1.10Mary I & Relations with Foreign Powers
2.1.11The Social Impact of Religious & Economic Change
2.1.12End of Topic Test - Mary Part 1
2.1.13Elizabeth I & Her Rule
2.1.14Elizabeth I & Relations With Foreign Powers
2.1.15Impact of Economic, Social & Religious Change
2.1.16End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 1
2.2The Triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603
2.2.1Elizabeth I & Court
2.2.2Elizabeth & Government
2.2.3Elizabeth I & Succession
2.2.4End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 2
2.2.5Mary Queen of Scots
2.2.6Relations with Spain
2.2.7End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 3
2.2.8Elizabeth I & Society
2.2.9Elizabeth I & Rebellion
2.2.10Elizabeth & Economic Development
2.2.11End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 4
2.2.12Elizabeth I & Religious Developments
2.2.13The English Renaissance
2.2.14Elizabeth's Last Years
2.2.15End of Topic Test - Elizabeth I Part 5

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