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Armistice (Peace Agreement)

After the Kaiser abdicated, the next step was for Germany to withdraw from the war.

Illustrative background for The Armistice (peace agreement)Illustrative background for The Armistice (peace agreement) ?? "content

The Armistice (peace agreement)

  • On 11 November 1918, Friedrich Ebert admitted defeat and signed the armistice (peace agreement) with the Allies.
  • Some Germans felt that Germany could have won the war and so were ‘stabbed in the back’ by Ebert and his government.
Illustrative background for Friedrich Ebert's legacyIllustrative background for Friedrich Ebert's legacy ?? "content

Friedrich Ebert's legacy

  • Ebert and the politicians who negotiated peace became known as the ‘November Criminals’.
  • This event was exploited by the Nazi Party in their rise to power in the 1930s.

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1The Causes of the First World War

2The First World War: Stalemate

3Ending the War

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