
The Balkan Wars

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The Balkan Wars (1912-13)

The Balkan Wars took place in the Balkan Penninsula from 1912-1913.

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Countries involved

  • The wars were between an alliance of Serbia, Greece, Albania and Bulgaria, against the Ottomans. Most of the Ottoman lands in Europe were conquered.
  • But the ‘Balkan League’s members quickly fell out over who should have which parts of the freed land. This Balkan alliance broke down.
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  • When the war ended, the Ottoman Empire had been pushed back to Europe’s boundaries.
  • Serbia had gained significant extra territory, but Austria-Hungary prevented Serbia gaining territory which gave it access to the sea.
  • Serbian resentment against Austria-Hungary had grown.

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1The Causes of the First World War

2The First World War: Stalemate

3Ending the War

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