
The Franco-Russian Alliance & the 'Entente'

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The Franco-Russian Alliance

After Otto von Bismarck resigned in 1890, Bismarck's alliances from the 1880s were damaged.

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  • Bismarck’s successor did not want to continue the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia.
  • As a result, Russia became closer to France.
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The alliance

  • Changes after Bismarck led to the Franco-Russian alliance in 1892.
  • This threatened Germany as it meant that if there was a war, Germany could be attacked from both West and East.

The 'Entente'

The 'entente' was an informal agreement between Great Britain and France. Russia later joined.

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The 'Entente Cordiale'

  • In April 1904, the ‘Entente Cordiale’ was signed by Great Britain and France.
    • An entente is a friendly understanding or informal alliance.
    • An alliance is a more formal agreement between countries that benefits them both.
  • In the 1904 entente, the two countries agreed not to argue over colonies. Military discussions began in 1906.
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The Triple Entente

  • The 'Entente Cordiale' led to the Triple Entente, which allied Great Britain, France and Russia together.
  • This showed that Bismarck’s efforts in the 1880s had not succeeded.
    • Europe was now divided into two separate groups.

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