
Reasons for the Outbreak of Hostilities

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Reasons for the Outbreak of Hostilities

A number of short-, medium- and long-term factors led to the outbreak of the First World War.

Illustrative background for Long-term factorsIllustrative background for Long-term factors ?? "content

Long-term factors

  • Imperialism and colonialism.
    • A policy of strengthening a country by conquering new territory.
  • Militarism.
    • Spending more money to increase military strength.
Illustrative background for Medium-term factors Illustrative background for Medium-term factors  ?? "content

Medium-term factors

  • The alliance system.
  • German Weltpolitik (world policy).
  • Slav nationalism.
Illustrative background for Short-term factorsIllustrative background for Short-term factors ?? "content

Short-term factors

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • The July Crisis, followed by the German invasion of France through Belgium.
Illustrative background for Tensions leading to warIllustrative background for Tensions leading to war ?? "content

Tensions leading to war

  • Perhaps out of fear of being humiliated and not wanting to be on the back foot, tensions escalated to the point of war.
  • None of the powers had a clear aim of war.
  • No one anticipated the devastating conflict that would happen between 1914-1918.

Jump to other topics

1The Causes of the First World War

2The First World War: Stalemate

3Ending the War

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