Stephens’ use of fluid staging techniques (e.g. creating continuous action without scene breaks) creates a dynamic, but occasionally confusing, experience for the audience.

- The play is divided into two parts.
- Part One is set in Swindon, almost entirely on Christopher’s street.
- Part Two sees Christopher travel to London to find his mother before returning to a new flat in Swindon.

Detective story vs quest
Detective story vs quest
- Part One is structured like a detective story, with the discovery of a crime at the beginning, an investigation and the discovery of the criminal at the end.
- Part Two is structured like a quest, with Christopher embarking on a perilous journey and being confronted with numerous obstacles along the way.

Fluid episodes
Fluid episodes
- The different episodes in each part of the play are not divided into separate scenes. Instead, each episode ‘runs into’ the next so that the action is continuous with no breaks or stoppages other than at the end of each part.
- At times, this may be confusing for an audience when the action switches instantly to a different place or time. But this helps to put us into Christopher’s mind and experience the way he thinks and makes connections.
Stephens’ use of fluid staging techniques (e.g. creating continuous action without scene breaks) creates a dynamic, but occasionally confusing, experience for the audience.

Linear structure/flashbacks
Linear structure/flashbacks
- The play is largely structured in a linear way, with events appearing mainly in chronological order.
- But Stephens uses flashbacks in Part One, such as the recreation of Christopher’s memories of his mother at the beach.
- This flashback allows us to see the intimacy Christopher shared with his mother in happier times.

- The main plotline is often ‘interrupted’ by short, stand-alone scenes, often involving Christopher talking to Siobhan.
- While these may temporarily ‘break up’ the story, they allow us to get to know Christopher better e.g. by learning of his interest in astronomy or about why he does not like metaphors.

Final scene - "Maths Appendix"
Final scene - "Maths Appendix"
- Stephens includes an ‘extra’ final scene at the end of the play, the “Maths Appendix”, in which Christopher talks through how he solved a Maths problem in his A-level examination.
- Once he finishes, the play ends on a note of triumph, with “confetti” released on stage.
1Introduction & Context
1.2Christopher's Autism
2Form, Structure & Language
2.1Dramatic Devices
2.2Genre & Structure
3Text Summary & Analysis
3.1Part One
3.1.1Discovering the Dead Dog & Christopher's Autism
3.1.2The Policeman & Siobhan
3.1.3The Police Station & Ed's Entry
3.1.4Mother's Death & Beginning the Investigation
3.1.5Ed's Frustrations & Revisiting Mrs Alexander
3.1.6Remembering Judy & "Fight" Scene
3.1.7Judy's Letters
3.1.8Ed's Confession
3.1.9End of Topic Test - Part One
3.1.10End of Topic Test - Part One 2
3.2Part Two
3.2.1Preparing to Run Away & Train Station
3.2.2On the Train & Arriving in London
3.2.3On the Tube & Arriving at Judy's House
3.2.4Policeman, Ed Visits & Tensions
3.2.5Back in Swindon & New Beginnings
3.2.6The End & Maths Appendix
3.2.7End of Topic Test - Part Two
3.2.8End of Topic Test - Part Two cont....
Jump to other topics
1Introduction & Context
1.2Christopher's Autism
2Form, Structure & Language
2.1Dramatic Devices
2.2Genre & Structure
3Text Summary & Analysis
3.1Part One
3.1.1Discovering the Dead Dog & Christopher's Autism
3.1.2The Policeman & Siobhan
3.1.3The Police Station & Ed's Entry
3.1.4Mother's Death & Beginning the Investigation
3.1.5Ed's Frustrations & Revisiting Mrs Alexander
3.1.6Remembering Judy & "Fight" Scene
3.1.7Judy's Letters
3.1.8Ed's Confession
3.1.9End of Topic Test - Part One
3.1.10End of Topic Test - Part One 2
3.2Part Two
3.2.1Preparing to Run Away & Train Station
3.2.2On the Train & Arriving in London
3.2.3On the Tube & Arriving at Judy's House
3.2.4Policeman, Ed Visits & Tensions
3.2.5Back in Swindon & New Beginnings
3.2.6The End & Maths Appendix
3.2.7End of Topic Test - Part Two
3.2.8End of Topic Test - Part Two cont....

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