
Social Issues

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Social Issues Raised in A Streetcar Named Desire

Here are some key ideas about social issues found in A Streetcar Named Desire:

Illustrative background for Sexual frustrationIllustrative background for Sexual frustration ?? "content

Sexual frustration

  • The play suggests that modern society is underpinned by sexual frustrations of all kinds and types because society appears to repress people - particularly women - as seen in Blanche DuBois.
Illustrative background for Class struggleIllustrative background for Class struggle ?? "content

Class struggle

  • In this play, class struggle is connected to sex. Sexual encounters happen across class barriers. For example:
    • Middle-class Stella’s union with the more working-class Stanley.
    • Blanche DuBois' fantasies and relationship with a student.
Illustrative background for ViolenceIllustrative background for Violence ?? "content


  • Violence is usually seen within the domestic setting in A Streetcar Named Desire.
  • Cultural violence is also present, forced upon the mixed-race characters and the "Polacks" as migrants.
Illustrative background for Rejection and longingIllustrative background for Rejection and longing ?? "content

Rejection and longing

  • Several characters seek out longing (eg Blanche herself, Mitch and Stanley) but often, they do not find it or they are rejected from the process.

Social Issues Raised in A Streetcar Named Desire

Here are some key ideas about social issues found in A Streetcar Named Desire:

Illustrative background for Cruelty and sufferingIllustrative background for Cruelty and suffering ?? "content

Cruelty and suffering

  • The suffering and cruelty in tragedies like A Streetcar Named Desire is not usually physical or very horrific. Characters tend to suffer psychologically.
Illustrative background for Aberrations Illustrative background for Aberrations  ?? "content


  • Aberrations are distortions in a society that cause conflict and hurt.
  • Blanche’s choices cause aberrations, but social aberrations also caused her situation.
Illustrative background for Fantasies Illustrative background for Fantasies  ?? "content


  • In A Streetcar Named Desire, fantasies about social refinement and grandeur are undercut and destroyed.
  • Blanche and Stella have these sorts of fantasies.

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1Context & Overview

2Scene Summaries

3Character Profiles

4Key Ideas

5Writing Techniques

6Critical Debates

7Ideas About Tragedy

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