
Social Context

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Social Context for A Streetcar Named Desire

A Streetcar Named Desire is clearly set in the middle of the twentieth century, sometime around 1947, in the post-World War Two era.

Illustrative background for Setting: New OrleansIllustrative background for Setting: New Orleans ?? "content

Setting: New Orleans

  • The play takes place in New Orleans, a city with a proud heritage and culture, though the South of America was often not seen as progressive and forward-thinking as the west and east coasts, or the north.
  • The South was still recovering from the American Civil War and the culture was still determined by remnants of issues associated with the slave trade.
Illustrative background for Views on sexuality and genderIllustrative background for Views on sexuality and gender ?? "content

Views on sexuality and gender

  • Traditional views of sexuality and gender were coming into collision with those adopted and chosen by a younger generation, who felt that the South was backwards-looking, conservative and outmoded.
Illustrative background for Visage of the SouthIllustrative background for Visage of the South ?? "content

Visage of the South

  • The South could be moneyed and appear successful.
  • But underneath this veneer was something more fragile and darker.

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1Context & Overview

2Scene Summaries

3Character Profiles

4Key Ideas

5Writing Techniques

6Critical Debates

7Ideas About Tragedy

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