Jekyll/Hyde Quotes - Chapter 10
Jekyll/Hyde - Chapter 10
Jekyll/Hyde - Chapter 10
Jekyll says: “My devil had long been caged, he came out roaring.”

- The final chapter is a written confession from Jekyll, explaining how his transformations into Hyde caused him to be unable to eventually control when and how often the transformations took place.

- The inner devil that Jekyll speaks of here is a manifestation of his unconscious desires and repressed pleasure-seeking elements.
- The “devil” is a deliberate contrast and religious allusion to the Christian ideals of morality, goodness and purity.

- The animalistic continuous verb “roaring” suggests that the creature within has been repressed to the extent that it has been made aggressive and angry.
Jekyll/Hyde - Chapter 10
Jekyll/Hyde - Chapter 10
Jekyll says: “I looked down; my clothes hung formlessly on my shrunken limbs; the hand that lay on my knee was corded and hairy.”

- The final cathartic (providing release) chapter reveals the creature underneath the façade of Jekyll’s well-respected character.

- The “hairy” creature has been allowed to grow hair freely - an unrestrained and uncontrolled creature that is unlike Jekyll.
- Jekyll himself is shocked at the uncontrollable transformations as he looks down upon his own body and sees the results of his experimentation.

- The hand is a symbol of respectability and honour - and this is invaded by the hair that grows underneath his skin.
1Plot Summary
2.1Jekyll & Hyde
3Gothic Genre
4Key Themes
5Context & Author
6Literary Techniques
6.1Literary Techniques
7Grade 9 - Key Character & Theme Questions
7.1Key Character & Themes - Linked Questions
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1Plot Summary
2.1Jekyll & Hyde
3Gothic Genre
4Key Themes
5Context & Author
6Literary Techniques
6.1Literary Techniques
7Grade 9 - Key Character & Theme Questions
7.1Key Character & Themes - Linked Questions

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