Stave 5 & Key Quotes
Scrooge: Stave 5
Scrooge: Stave 5
After waking up, we see that Scrooge has kept to his promise, has learnt from the Ghosts’ lessons, and has changed his entire personality for the better.

- Stave 5 is Scrooge’s rebirth and redemption.
- Scrooge has been a sinful man, has learnt the reasons for, and consequences of, his actions, and is now reborn – he is a changed man.
- He cries, letting go of the anger and misery he has felt for so long, and metaphorically washing his sins away for good.

- Scrooge calls out to a boy in the street and asks him to go and buy a huge turkey for Bob Cratchit’s family and to bring the poulterer to him. He pays the boy for his service and even pays for the poulterer to take a cab to the Cratchit house.
- '"I’ll send it to Bob Cratchit’s!” whispered Scrooge, rubbing his hands, and splitting with a laugh.’

- After seeing one of the men who had asked him for charity the previous day, Scrooge approaches him and apologises, openly admitting that his actions were not acceptable.
- “That is my name, and I fear it may not be pleasant to you. Allow me to ask your pardon”.
- Scrooge feels that it is really important for him to make things right, and so he starts by openly admitting his faults: he had not been nice to the man and had been very selfish.

- Instead of keeping to himself and choosing to be alone, Scrooge wanders the streets and willingly makes physical contact with other people.
- He “patted children on the head”.

- Scrooge goes to Fred’s house and asks nicely if his nephew will let him join in with their Christmas. He chooses to be part of their love and celebrations.

Kind and caring
Kind and caring
- When Bob Cratchit arrives at work the next day, Scrooge gives him a raise and vows to help him and his family.
- “He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did NOT die, he was a second father”.
Scrooge: Key Quotes
Scrooge: Key Quotes
Here are some key quotes about Scrooge from Staves 1-3:

Stave 1
Stave 1
- “Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone”.
- Scrooge begins the story as a money-grabbing, selfish old man. His only concern (and his obsession) is making money, and he works hard for it – he also makes other people work hard for him in an attempt to gain even more money.

Stave 2
Stave 2
- “A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there still”.
- This quote makes us feel some sympathy for young Scrooge. The adjective “solitary” and the verb “neglected” show that Scrooge began his life with few friends and began his life alone.
- This makes us wonder if he has chosen a lonely life because he was lonely as a child. It also makes the reader wonder why he would want to be alone as an adult, especially after being alone so much as a child.

Stave 3
Stave 3
- “Though the Spirit’s eyes were clear and kind, he did not like to meet them”.
- After his encounter with the first Ghost, Scrooge has begun to see that he has made some bad choices in life.
- Therefore, when he meets the second Ghost, he can’t even look it in the eye because he feels so guilty.
- He also knows that this Ghost will likely give him more information to feel guilty about, and is not looking forward to seeing the consequences of his actions.
Scrooge: Key Quotes
Scrooge: Key Quotes
Here are key quotes about Scrooge from Staves 4-5:

Stave 4
Stave 4
- “I am not the man I was. I will not be the man I must have been”.
- The verb “must” suggests that Scrooge was not really aware of what he had become, or the consequences of it, before the Ghosts showed him.
- He feels that he has definitely learnt a valuable lesson and, because of this, has completely changed. He will no longer live a solitary, miserable, selfish, uncaring life, but is determined to change and treat people better.

Stave 5
Stave 5
- “Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all”.
- Dickens wanted to be clear at the end that Scrooge did not just claim he had changed, but proved it through his actions.
- He actively strove to become a good man, and worked every day to be better.
- This shows that it was not just a ghost story for Scrooge, but something which changed his life.
- Dickens also wanted to tell Victorian England that they needed to take action and do something to help, not just sit back complacently.
1Plot Summary
2Key Characters & Quotes
2.1Ebenezer Scrooge
2.2Other Characters
2.3Grade 9 - Key Characters
3Key Ideas
5Authorial Method
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1Plot Summary
2Key Characters & Quotes
2.1Ebenezer Scrooge
2.2Other Characters
2.3Grade 9 - Key Characters
3Key Ideas
5Authorial Method

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