Free learning & homework trusted by 300,000+ teachers 🎓

Set automatically marked assignments, monitor students' progress & increase your classes' grades.

Wave goodbye to marking 👋

Reclaim time with auto-marked homework.Start saving time >
📑Students get instant feedback on their homework
📊Get actionable data insights and fill gaps in knowledge
Teacher reviewing an assignment on Seneca Learning
Seneca Teacher
“The thing I like most about Seneca is being able to track student homework completion in real time, and set personalised homework based on previous performance.”

Ready to go for all departments 🏫

Exam board matched content across the board.View your department’s content >
📚Our collection of courses are matched to your curriculum
📝8,000+ exam questions and AI supported marking
Student using exam questions on Seneca Learning
Seneca Teacher
“I really like the wealth of resources and courses, as well as how well the questions map onto each exam board's mark scheme.”
Assignments Created

Turn your resources into content 🪄

Your resources + our AI = magic assignments.Generate a quiz >
🗂️Share resources across, classes, schools and more
🛍️Resource Hub has over 11,000 teacher-made resources
Hub of resources on Seneca Learning
Mr Gibson
“Game-changer! The Resource Hub and quizzes make processes much easier and saves so much time.”

Customisable & insightful reports 📊

Focus your time on the data that matters.Understand your students >
🔍Custom reports put the data you need at your fingertips
📩Involve parents in their child’s studies with shareable reports
Reports of student learning on Seneca Learning
Mr Scoresby
“Excellent for teachers. My students find it easy to use and I can easily see how they are learning and address any gaps.”

A research-backed study platform 🔬

Students get the results they deserve 2x faster.Explore Seneca’s features >
🎮Gamification keeps students engaged with their studies
🎯Multiple learning modes direct attention where it’s effective
Student using Seneca Learning on a laptop
Mr William
“I use Seneca everyday as a mathematics and computer science teacher and the material really engages the students. I can’t recommend this platform highly enough.”
Tried, tested, and loved ❤️ by teachers

FAQs 🛟

What is Seneca Learning?

Seneca is a free homework & revision platform you can use to set automatically marked adaptive homework.

It is proven to make students learn 2x faster, and means no more marking.

What subjects & courses are covered on Seneca?

Seneca has courses covering 95% of the exams taken in the UK, from Primary up to A Level.

This means one log in across all departments for your school.

How do I get started on Seneca as a teacher?

Sign up to Seneca here. You can then create a class & invite your students to start setting them assignments.

If your school has their MIS synced with Seneca, you can log in here.

How much does Seneca cost?

Seneca can be used for free an unlimited amount. Free Seneca will always be better than any other learning system in the world.

Seneca School Premium unlocks new features to support teaching, learning, and interventions.