Interactive learning & tuition to improve your child’s studies 📊

10,000,000+ students use Seneca to boost their school grades. Our free parent platform lets you check & support your child's progress.
Parents supporting their children on Seneca

Proven to help them learn 2x faster ⚡️

The one-stop-shop to master revision & exams.Explore the platform >
📚Our courses match the national curriculum & exam boards
🧠Support unique needs with personalised learning
Overview of a course on Seneca Learning
“I signed up to Seneca to support both sons through GCSEs. One was way behind when he started and he caught up incredibly quickly due to the quality, interactivity and immediate ongoing feedback provided.”

Understand their progression 📈

Comprehensive reports packed with insights.View the reports >
⚖️Identify their strengths and weaknesses subject-by-subject
📑Teacher Report Cards bring you into the classroom
Report showing a child's progress on Seneca Learning
Andy M.
“It’s easy to track progress across multiple subjects and courses.”

Keep your finger on the pulse ⚠️

Get updates on any device, anywhere.Get started now >
🚨The live feed keeps you up to speed with study activity
🔔Get notified about important activity and information
Overview of a child's study activity on Seneca Learning
Tom B.
“It enables you to keep on top of your child’s homework, assignments & progress. As a parent it also gives me insight into the syllabus and I can see this really helping me support my children.”

The child-approved revision tool 🥇

With so many choices, kids choose Seneca.See what they love >
🎮Transforms revision and homework from a chore into fun
⭐️Students consistently rate Seneca over other learning platforms
Student using Seneca Learning on a laptop
Tatiana S.
“My daughter has been using Seneca Premium for 4 years and it was a huge help. She found it very fun and not as boring as other courses.”

Set them up for exam success 🚀

They’ll feel 10 feet tall walking into exams.Boost their exam confidence >
📝8,000+ exam questions with instant marking & feedback
🎯Multiple learning modes direct attention where it’s effective
Student using exam questions on Seneca Learning
Lindsey B.
“My son used Seneca from 6 months prior to his GCSEs. I definitely believe that he only passed his sciences and english due to him working on Seneca.”
Tried, tested, and loved ❤️ by parents

At 🏢 on the 🚂 or at the 🏖️... always stay updated

Get started for free
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FAQs 🛟

What is Seneca Learning?

Seneca is a free homework & revision platform your child can use in school or at home.

It is designed in collaboration with neuroscientists to make your child exam-ready, and proven to make students learn 2x faster.

What subjects & courses are covered on Seneca?

Sign up as a parent here.

You will then be able to connect to your child to start keeping track of their learning progress & school work.

How do I monitor my child’s progress?

Seneca provides a detailed breakdown of all your child’s studying, helping you to identify their strengths & weaknesses.

We’ll even send you weekly reports on their progress.

How should my child be using Seneca?

Your child may be set homework to complete, which you can track on the parent platform.

Students can revise independently on Seneca, and we recommend they do this as much as possible!