LoN Failure - Upper Silesia
Upper Silesia 1921-1925
Upper Silesia 1921-1925
Both German and Polish people lived in Upper Silesia, so naturally, both countries claimed that they should own it.

Upper Silesia
Upper Silesia
- Upper Silesia was on the border between Germany and Poland.
- Both German and Polish people thought that they should own the region.

- Britain and France agreed that there should be a plebiscite (vote) so that the people could decide on what they wanted.
- The League of Nations even sent troops in there to make sure that the plebiscite was run fairly.

Result of the plebiscite
Result of the plebiscite
- The result was that 60% of people wanted to be part of Germany.
- This angered the Polish people in Upper Silesia, who complained to the League that this wasn’t fair or that they didn't like the result.
Result of complaints
Result of complaints
- As a result, the League split Silesia into sections:
- Germany got the rural land.
- Poland got the industrial area.
- Both countries wanted the industrial area as it was rich in iron, coal and steel production.

Further complaints
Further complaints
- Although the terms of the partition of Silesia were agreed initially, in the end both Germany and Poland disagreed with it.
- The Polish claimed they lost half a million of the Polish people to the land that now belonged to Germany and the Germans claimed that they lost too many coal mines.

- The League of Nations then presided over discussions between Germany and Poland.
- The two countries agreed on trading laws, economic benefits, citizens' rights and border control in the two parts of Silesia.
- On the 15th May 1922, the German-Polish Accord on East Silesia was signed in Geneva.
- As time went on, tensions between these two countries continued to worsen.
1Key Topics
1.1Conflict & Cooperation 1918-1939
1.1.1The Treaty of Versailles
1.1.2The Terms of Versailles 1
1.1.3The Terms of Versailles 2
1.1.4Versailles & the League of Nations
1.1.5LoN Successes & Failures
1.1.6LoN Failure - Upper Silesia
1.1.7LoN Failure - Corfu & Washington
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Treaties and Agreements
1.1.9The Great Depression
1.1.10Tension in Europe in the 1930s
1.1.11WWII & Failure of the League of Nations
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Tension in the 1930s
1.1.13Grade 9 - Conflict & Cooperation
1.2The Cold War 1945-c.1989
1.2.1Emerging US-Soviet Rivalry
1.2.2Communism in the 20th Century
1.2.3The Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan
1.2.4East-West Alliances
1.2.5Berlin Crises
1.2.6The End of the Berlin Wall
1.2.7End of Topic Test - East & West
1.2.8Build-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.9The Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.10Cold War Conflict - Vietnam
1.2.11Cold War Conflict - Afghanistan
1.2.12End of Topic Test - The Cold War 1945-1989
1.2.13Grade 9 - The Cold War
2Changing Interpretations
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1Key Topics
1.1Conflict & Cooperation 1918-1939
1.1.1The Treaty of Versailles
1.1.2The Terms of Versailles 1
1.1.3The Terms of Versailles 2
1.1.4Versailles & the League of Nations
1.1.5LoN Successes & Failures
1.1.6LoN Failure - Upper Silesia
1.1.7LoN Failure - Corfu & Washington
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Treaties and Agreements
1.1.9The Great Depression
1.1.10Tension in Europe in the 1930s
1.1.11WWII & Failure of the League of Nations
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Tension in the 1930s
1.1.13Grade 9 - Conflict & Cooperation
1.2The Cold War 1945-c.1989
1.2.1Emerging US-Soviet Rivalry
1.2.2Communism in the 20th Century
1.2.3The Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan
1.2.4East-West Alliances
1.2.5Berlin Crises
1.2.6The End of the Berlin Wall
1.2.7End of Topic Test - East & West
1.2.8Build-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.9The Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.10Cold War Conflict - Vietnam
1.2.11Cold War Conflict - Afghanistan
1.2.12End of Topic Test - The Cold War 1945-1989
1.2.13Grade 9 - The Cold War
2Changing Interpretations

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