The Treaty of Versailles
The Paris Peace Conference
The Paris Peace Conference
27 countries met at the Palace of Versailles (France) in 1919. They were made up of the victorious allies.

The end of the war
The end of the war
- The First World War ended and the German Kaiser (king) abdicated.
- He fled to the Netherlands.
- Many Germans felt that as he was to blame for losing the War and because he fled, that was the punishment over.

The Palace of Versailles
The Palace of Versailles
- 27 countries met at the Palace of Versailles (France) in 1919.
- They were made up of the victorious allies.
- Germany was not present at this conference.
- They met to decide how to deal with the losing countries.

The Conference
The Conference
- One of their aims was to prevent another war from happening again.
- Out of all of the countries that attended, there were 3 leaders who were the most powerful and influential.
- These were the leaders of France, America and Great Britain.
- They were known as the ‘Big Three’.
- The conference lasted 12 months.
The Treaty of Versailles (TOV)
The Treaty of Versailles (TOV)
After negotiations at the Palace of Versailles, the Treaty of Versailles was drawn up by the Allies. An easy way to remember the TOV is to use the term ‘TRAWL’.

The Treaty
The Treaty
- After negotiations at the Palace of Versailles, the Treaty of Versailles was drawn up by the Allies.
- The Treaty aimed at weakening Germany financially, economically and socially so that another war launched by Germany would seem impossible.

- The Germans were given no time to negotiate. They had to accept the terms as set out in the Treaty.
- The Germans were given only the choice to sign the treaty or if not the Allies would resume the war.

- An easy way to remember the TOV is to use the term ‘TRAWL’:
- Territory.
- Reparations.
- Armaments.
- War Guilt.
- League of Nations.
1Key Topics
1.1Conflict & Cooperation 1918-1939
1.1.1The Treaty of Versailles
1.1.2The Terms of Versailles 1
1.1.3The Terms of Versailles 2
1.1.4Versailles & the League of Nations
1.1.5LoN Successes & Failures
1.1.6LoN Failure - Upper Silesia
1.1.7LoN Failure - Corfu & Washington
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Treaties and Agreements
1.1.9The Great Depression
1.1.10Tension in Europe in the 1930s
1.1.11WWII & Failure of the League of Nations
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Tension in the 1930s
1.1.13Grade 9 - Conflict & Cooperation
1.2The Cold War 1945-c.1989
1.2.1Emerging US-Soviet Rivalry
1.2.2Communism in the 20th Century
1.2.3The Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan
1.2.4East-West Alliances
1.2.5Berlin Crises
1.2.6The End of the Berlin Wall
1.2.7End of Topic Test - East & West
1.2.8Build-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.9The Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.10Cold War Conflict - Vietnam
1.2.11Cold War Conflict - Afghanistan
1.2.12End of Topic Test - The Cold War 1945-1989
1.2.13Grade 9 - The Cold War
2Changing Interpretations
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1Key Topics
1.1Conflict & Cooperation 1918-1939
1.1.1The Treaty of Versailles
1.1.2The Terms of Versailles 1
1.1.3The Terms of Versailles 2
1.1.4Versailles & the League of Nations
1.1.5LoN Successes & Failures
1.1.6LoN Failure - Upper Silesia
1.1.7LoN Failure - Corfu & Washington
1.1.8End of Topic Test - Treaties and Agreements
1.1.9The Great Depression
1.1.10Tension in Europe in the 1930s
1.1.11WWII & Failure of the League of Nations
1.1.12End of Topic Test - Tension in the 1930s
1.1.13Grade 9 - Conflict & Cooperation
1.2The Cold War 1945-c.1989
1.2.1Emerging US-Soviet Rivalry
1.2.2Communism in the 20th Century
1.2.3The Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan
1.2.4East-West Alliances
1.2.5Berlin Crises
1.2.6The End of the Berlin Wall
1.2.7End of Topic Test - East & West
1.2.8Build-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.9The Cuban Missile Crisis
1.2.10Cold War Conflict - Vietnam
1.2.11Cold War Conflict - Afghanistan
1.2.12End of Topic Test - The Cold War 1945-1989
1.2.13Grade 9 - The Cold War
2Changing Interpretations

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