von Papen & Hindenburg's Pact
Von Papen and Hindenburg’s Secret Pact
Von Papen and Hindenburg’s Secret Pact
In 1932, the Nazis gained political power in the Reichstag. But the Reichstag had no stable leadership.

The rise of the Nazis in 1932/3
The rise of the Nazis in 1932/3
- In 1932, the Nazis gained political power in the Reichstag. But the Reichstag had no stable leadership.
- Between April and December, there were three different Chancellors. Brüning, von Papen and von Schleicher.

Von Papen and Hindenberg's secret pact
Von Papen and Hindenberg's secret pact
- Von Papen, supported by the DNVP, and Hindenburg secretly met with wealthy industrialists and powerful politicians.
- They decided that Hitler and his 196 Nazi politicians should be used to create a political majority.
- They decided to make Hitler the new Chancellor, let him have a few Nazis in his cabinet and make von Papen the vice-chancellor.

Aim of the von Papen's pact
Aim of the von Papen's pact
- They hoped that they would be able to use Hitler as a 'puppet leader', as the Soviet Union did in satellite states during the Cold War, whilst using Hitler's popularity for their benefit.
- They seriously underestimated Hitler’s power. Hitler was too charismatic (able to influence people) and popular to be controlled by von Papen and Hindenburg.
- In January 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor.
1The Weimar Republic 1918-1929
2Hitler's Rise to Power 1919-1933
2.1Early Development of the Nazi Party
2.2The Munich Putsch & the Lean Years
2.3The Growth of Support for the Nazis
3Nazi Control & Dictatorship 1933-1939
3.1Creating a Dictatorship, 1933-1934
3.2The Police State
4Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939
4.1Life in Nazi Germany
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1The Weimar Republic 1918-1929
2Hitler's Rise to Power 1919-1933
2.1Early Development of the Nazi Party
2.2The Munich Putsch & the Lean Years
2.3The Growth of Support for the Nazis
3Nazi Control & Dictatorship 1933-1939
3.1Creating a Dictatorship, 1933-1934
3.2The Police State
4Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939
4.1Life in Nazi Germany

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