The Impact of the Great Depression
The Great Depression
The Great Depression
The Nazis became popular for a number of reasons: the impact of the Great Depression, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic, and the strength of the Nazi Party.

The Wall Street Crash
The Wall Street Crash
- In 1929, the Wall Street Crash happened in the USA. After this, banks lost billions of dollars. Eventually, this was felt by the whole world in the Great Depression.
- The main reason the Great Depression affected Germany was because it caused unemployment.

- Firstly, US banks stopped loans to Germany.
- Next, German industries lost finance and laid off (fired) workers.
- By 1932, 40% of workers were unemployed.
- The German government had no money so reduced unemployment benefits.
- The combination of these factors meant that families suffered and lost faith in democracy.

Failure of the Weimar Republic
Failure of the Weimar Republic
- It became clear that the government could not solve the problem of unemployment.
- Chancellor Müller could not improve Germany’s economy and neither could his replacement, Chancellor Brüning.

Hindenburg's response to unemployment
Hindenburg's response to unemployment
- In response, President Hindenburg lost faith in democracy himself and used Article 48 to bypass (avoid and go around) the Reichstag.
- This significantly weakened the Weimar Republic.
Growth of the Nazis
Growth of the Nazis
The Nazis became popular for a number of reasons: the impact of the Great Depression, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic, and the strength of the Nazi Party.

- In the economic crisis, the German people turned to extremist parties to quickly solve unemployment.
- The Communists gained increasing support from the working class.
- The Nazis also gained support because they appealed to a wider group of the German population.

Hitler and intimidation
Hitler and intimidation
- The Nazi’s gained support because of Hitler’s personality.
- Not only a strong leader, Hitler was a mesmerising public speaker who travelled the country to give speeches.
- The Nazis also grew because of intimidation tactics (using subtle threats).
- The SA and SS fought and eliminated political opponents but also protected the Nazis. This showed the strength of the Nazis.

- Propaganda (information designed to influence people) helped spread the Nazi message, emphasising three things.
- Firstly, the Hitler Cult. Hitler was presented as Germany’s saviour.
- Secondly, volksgemeinschaft (people’s community). The Nazis wanted to restore Germany back to traditional values and focus on an Aryan (Indo-European) community.
- Thirdly, anti-Semitism (anti-Jews). They blamed the Jews for the Great Depression in Germany.

Hitler's flexible message - for workers
Hitler's flexible message - for workers
- Hitler was so successful because his message was flexible. He could tailor what he said to his audience.
- For businessmen, the Nazis would solve the Great Depression.
- For the workers, the Nazis would give employment and food.
- For farmers, the Nazis would protect them from Communists who could seize land.
1The Weimar Republic 1918-1929
2Hitler's Rise to Power 1919-1933
2.1Early Development of the Nazi Party
2.2The Munich Putsch & the Lean Years
2.3The Growth of Support for the Nazis
3Nazi Control & Dictatorship 1933-1939
3.1Creating a Dictatorship, 1933-1934
3.2The Police State
4Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939
4.1Life in Nazi Germany
Jump to other topics
1The Weimar Republic 1918-1929
2Hitler's Rise to Power 1919-1933
2.1Early Development of the Nazi Party
2.2The Munich Putsch & the Lean Years
2.3The Growth of Support for the Nazis
3Nazi Control & Dictatorship 1933-1939
3.1Creating a Dictatorship, 1933-1934
3.2The Police State
4Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939
4.1Life in Nazi Germany

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