
Beast From the Air

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The Dead Parachutist

In the night there are explosions in the sky and a dead parachutist falls onto the island. Eric notices the dead parachutist in the sky but does not know what he is seeing because it is so dark. The twins run back to the beach.

Illustrative background for An adult Illustrative background for An adult  ?? "content

An adult

  • Ralph, Piggy and Simon go to a shelter and fall asleep.
  • They do not see the explosions in the sky, or the dead parachutist falling onto the island.
  • The adult Ralph had yelled out for has arrived but it is not what he hoped for.
Illustrative background for Symbolism Illustrative background for Symbolism  ?? "content


  • Instead of being able to help them, the adult parachutist has been killed by other adults.
  • This could symbolise that the microcosm of social problems on the island are not confined to the island.
  • Fear, violence and evil are worldwide problems which cause destruction and death.
Illustrative background for New society, old problemsIllustrative background for New society, old problems ?? "content

New society, old problems

  • When they arrived on the island, the boys had had the chance to create a good society, but were overtaken by fear, violence and evil thoughts.
  • Quickly, darkness overtakes their society:
    • Their plane crashed and no adults had survived.
    • One of the littleuns was killed in the island fire.
    • The arrival of the dead parachutist.
Illustrative background for The fire Illustrative background for The fire  ?? "content

The fire

  • Sam and Eric (twins who were put in charge of the fire) had fallen asleep and the fire had died down.
  • They wake up and get the fire burning again.
  • Eric notices the dead parachutist in the sky but does not know what he is seeing because it is so dark.
Illustrative background for A monster Illustrative background for A monster  ?? "content

A monster

  • Eric and Sam look at what they think is a monster (the wind is pulling on the parachute and making the dead man’s head move up and down).
  • The wind causes the parachute to make strange noises.
  • Sam and Eric run away.
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  • Sam and Eric run to Ralph and wake him up, telling him they have seen the beast.
  • Ralph wants to go and look, but the twins tell him it is too dangerous, so they all wait for the sun to come up.
  • Ralph tells the twins to go and bring all of the other boys to the beach for a meeting.

What To Do About the Beast

At the meeting, Ralph is too scared to blow the conch in case the beast hears it. He asks Eric to tell everyone what he and Sam have seen.

Illustrative background for The beast Illustrative background for The beast  ?? "content

The beast

  • At the meeting, Ralph is too scared to blow the conch in case the beast hears it.
  • He asks Eric to tell everyone what he and Sam have seen.
  • Eric and Sam say that they saw a furry beast which had “teeth”, “claws” and something moving behind its head.
  • They say that the beast followed them into the trees.
Illustrative background for FearIllustrative background for Fear ?? "content


  • Ralph says he does not want to hunt the beast with wooden spears. He thinks it is a bad idea.
  • Jack accuses him of being afraid and Ralph admits it (“‘Course I’m frightened”.)
  • He says it is normal to be afraid.
Illustrative background for DisagreementsIllustrative background for Disagreements ?? "content


  • Piggy suggests that they should all stay by the shelter and hope that the beast will leave them alone.
  • Ralph disagrees, saying that they cannot stay there because they have to get food and keep the signal fire burning.
  • Jack wants to go and hunt the beast.
Illustrative background for The littleuns Illustrative background for The littleuns  ?? "content

The littleuns

  • Piggy is scared that the beast will attack him and the littleuns while the others are off hunting it.
  • Jack dismisses Piggy: “sucks to the littleuns!”
  • Jack and Piggy argue. Piggy says that he has the conch so he has the right to speak.
  • Jack says that he does not need the conch, that no one needs the conch: “We don't need the conch any more”.
Illustrative background for Ralph's control Illustrative background for Ralph's control  ?? "content

Ralph's control

  • Ralph tries to re-gain control and tells Jack to sit down.
  • Jack ignores Ralph.
  • Jack and Ralph argue over what the leader should do.
  • Jack wants to hunt, but Ralph says there is a bigger picture to consider; their survival and rescue: “Don’t you all want to be rescued?”

Hunting the Monster

The boys reach the rock castle but do not find the monster. Ralph then notices that there is no smoke coming from the signal fire and tells the boys that they must go back.

Illustrative background for __“The castle”__Illustrative background for __“The castle”__ ?? "content

“The castle”

  • Ralph says that Jack has hunted all across the island and asks for advice on where the beast could be hiding.
  • Jack talks about an area at the end of the island (the only place he has not gone) where there is a rock bridge up to a rock formation called “the castle”.
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  • The fact that Jack has not yet been to the castle could symbolise how he has not yet really tried to take a way Ralph’s power and authority.
  • Jack has gotten close to the castle (the power) but not reached it yet.
  • Ralph and the other big boys (except for Piggy) plan to go to the rock castle and hunt the beast.
Illustrative background for Hunting the beastIllustrative background for Hunting the beast ?? "content

Hunting the beast

  • The older boys set off to hunt the beast.
  • Jack walks in the front and Ralph at the back.
  • Simon thinks about Sam and Eric’s story of the beast.
  • He cannot believe that there is a beast with claws who left no tracks, especially one that had chased the twins but somehow failed to catch them.
Illustrative background for A fort Illustrative background for A fort  ?? "content

A fort

  • When the boys reach the rock bridge, Jack lets Ralph take the lead.
  • All of the boys hang back and watch Ralph cross the rocks to see if the beast is on the other side.
  • Jack then follows Ralph.
  • They do not find a beast, but Jack comments that the rock formation would make a great fort (“What a place for a fort!”).
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  • Jack sees a big rock at the top and excitedly tells Ralph that they could push it down the hill and kill their enemies.
  • Ralph becomes uncomfortable at how excited Jack is about killing things.
Illustrative background for Going back Illustrative background for Going back  ?? "content

Going back

  • Seeing that there is no danger, the other boys run over to the rocks and start playing.
  • Looking back at the top of the island, however, Ralph notices that there is no smoke coming from the signal fire and tells the boys that they must go back.
  • Despite complaints from the boys, Ralph finally gets Jack to lead them all back across the rock bridge.

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