Cry of the Hunters
Jack's Plan
Jack's Plan
Ralph sneaks up Castle Rock to try and speak with Sam and Eric who are on guard duty. They tell him about Jack’s plan to comb the island for Ralph the next day and hunt until they find him.

Ralph hides
Ralph hides
- Ralph hides in the thick bushes.
- He is badly injured but knows that he must be silent and stay hidden because Jack’s tribe are hunting him and will kill him.
- After eating, Ralph wonders if it would be safe for him to go and talk to Jack; he does not fully believe that Jack would actually kill him.

Symbols of power
Symbols of power
- As he heads back towards Castle Rock, Ralph comes across the Lord of the Flies (the dead pig’s head) in a clearing.
- Ralph feels uneasy and punches the pig skull, breaking it in half.
- After Roger destroyed Ralph's symbol of power (the conch), Ralph has destroyed Jack’s symbol of power (the Lord of the Flies).

Danger at Castle Rock
Danger at Castle Rock
- Ralph goes back to his hiding place in the bushes near Castle Rock to try and sleep.
- He realises that he cannot go to Castle Rock at night because it is too dangerous, but he cannot sleep.
- He hears the boys chanting: “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”

The twins
The twins
- Ralph gets closer to Castle Rock and realises that Sam and Eric are on guard duty, so sneaks up to try and speak with them.
- Sam orders Ralph to leave, but Ralph does not. He knows that Sam and Eric are all he has left.
- The twins tell Ralph that they cannot help him and they are forced to follow Jack’s orders, or Roger tortures them.

Ralph's plan
Ralph's plan
- Ralph says he does not know what he has done to make Jack hate him, but Eric says that it is useless to try and make sense of the situation.
- Sam and Eric tell Ralph about Jack’s plan to comb the island for Ralph the next day and hunt until they find him.
- Ralph says that he will hide in the bushes near Castle Rock and asks the twins to keep Jack away from the area.

Jack's plan
Jack's plan
- Ralph asks the twins what Jack will do when he finds him.
- Sam says that Roger has sharpened both ends of a stick.
- In Chapter 8, Jack asked Roger to sharpen a stick at both ends so he could impale the pig’s head on it and display it.
- Now, Jack plans to behead Ralph and place his head on a stick for all to see.
- Back in the bushes, Ralph hears Sam and Eric screaming in pain.
Cry of the Hunters
Cry of the Hunters
Ralph wakes to the sounds of Jack’s tribe beginning the hunt for him. He runs for his life and finds a naval officer is on the beach.

The hunt
The hunt
- The next morning, Ralph wakes to the sounds of Jack’s tribe beginning the hunt for him.
- Most of the boys move away, but then Ralph hears Jack and Roger questioning one of the twins.
- They ask the boy if the bushes they are standing by are where Ralph had told them he would hide.
- The boy screams in pain and answers yes.

Attacking the bushes
Attacking the bushes
- Ralph sits and waits to find out what Jack is going to do. Jack’s voice yells “Heave” from Castle Rock and then a huge rock lands in the thicket near Ralph.
- Jack yells again and another boulder comes bounding into the thicket near Ralph, shaking the ground and uprooting bushes.
- Gaps have appeared in the thicket and Ralph can see a spear coming through. Ralph stabs back with his own spear and injures one of his attackers.

- Suddenly, Ralph hears the crackling of fire and smells smoke.
- He crawls out of the smoke-filled bushes.
- Ralph stabs another one of the boys and runs into the forest.
- Ralph does not know what to do next. If he hides, they will find him; if he runs, they will keep hunting him.

Run for your life
Run for your life
- He hears the war cries of the hunting party and hides under some bushes. The savage boys find him and Ralph runs for his life.
- Ralph arrives at the beach, near the shelters which had once protected him but have now burnt down. He begs for mercy.
- A naval officer is on the beach.

"The end of innocence”
"The end of innocence”
- The naval officer asks who is in charge and Ralph says that he is – no one argues.
- The officer comments that he thought that a group of British boys would have been more sensible on the island, just enjoying themselves.
- Ralph cries “for the end of innocence” and “the darkness of man’s heart”.
2Story Analysis
2.2Chapter 2
2.3Chapter 3
2.4Chapter 4
2.6Chapter 6
2.7Chapter 7
2.9Chapter 9
2.10Chapter 10
2.11Chapter 11
2.12Chapter 12
3Key Characters
4Key Concepts
5Writing Techniques
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2Story Analysis
2.2Chapter 2
2.3Chapter 3
2.4Chapter 4
2.6Chapter 6
2.7Chapter 7
2.9Chapter 9
2.10Chapter 10
2.11Chapter 11
2.12Chapter 12
3Key Characters
4Key Concepts
5Writing Techniques

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